Monday, May 24, 2010

"J.D.Hayworth: 'In My History' U.S. Didn't Formally Declare War On Nazi Germany"


IN CASE YOU MISSED IT:“Hayworth: 'In My History' U.S. Didn't Formally Declare War On Nazi Germany”

“While speaking last week to a local GOP organization in Phoenix, Hayworth was asked by an attendee about America's failure to formally declare war in our modern conflicts. Hayworth defended the modern-day authorizations for the use of military force.

‘But I would also point out, that if we want to be sticklers, the war that Dwight Eisenhower led in Europe against the Third Reich was never declared by the United States Congress,’ said Hayworth. ‘Recall, the Congress passed a war resolution against Japan. Germany declared war on us two days later. We never formally declared war on Hitler's
Germany, and yet we fought the war.’ … In fact, the United states did declare war on Germany.” – Talking Points Memo

Watch the video of Hayworth’s comments here

Hayworth: 'In My History' U.S. Didn't Formally Declare War On Nazi Germany (VIDEO)

By Eric Kleefeld

Talking Points Memo (Blog)May 24, 2010

Former Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ), who is challenging Sen. John McCain in the Republican primary, said that the United States did not formally declare war on Germany in World War II -- at least, that's how it went in his history.

While speaking last week to a local GOP organization in Phoenix, Hayworth was asked by an attendee about America's failure to formally declare war in our modern conflicts. Hayworth defended the modern-day authorizations for the use of military force.

"But I would also point out, that if we want to be sticklers, the war that Dwight Eisenhower led in Europe against the Third Reich was never declared by the United States Congress," said Hayworth. "Recall, the Congress passed a war resolution against Japan. Germany declared war on us two days later. We never formally declared war on Hitler's Germany, and yet we fought the war."

The questioner then responded that he thought the United States did declare on Germany, and he would check it. Hayworth responded: "I think we should check it. Perhaps we made the rationalization -- since there was the Axis alliance -- that the attack of Japan was tantamount to the attack of the Third Reich. But as I recall in my history, Germany declared war on the United States, not vice-versa."

In fact, the United states did declare war on Germany. The timeline goes as follows: Japan attacked the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The United States declared war against Japan the next day, December 8, 1941.

Then on December 11, 1941, Germany declared war against the United States -- to which the United States immediately reciprocated by declaring war against Germany that same day.

The video of Hayworth was live-streamed by the local GOP organization. It was then captured and posted online by an anti-Hayworth tracker. We were unable to immediately reach Hayworth's campaign for comment.



Andra said...

Congress voted JD the dumbest member for a reason! This should come as no surprise to anyone. If you are still sitting on the fence, I sure hope you've fallen off on the McCain side because with McCain you get intelligence and integrity. JD supplies you with a mouth full of blowhard and a life full of unethical-

Tony GOPrano said...

Andra this IS the JD Hayworth we all know. He can't keep his big mouth shut. Give him enough rope, he will hang himself. I am going to start selling rope here on PM.

Unknown said...

Best comment of the night was
"when do you think they will have JD version of history in texas school books"

Unknown said...

I knew if we just let JD keep talking he would put himself to bed. Why do you think J McCain is putting off a debate? This guy just buries himself

Tony GOPrano said...

Chrissy Matthews talked about this on his PMSNBC show. Will post the video tomorrow...

Unknown said...

Yeah JD I'm sure the WWII vets love to hear that they didn't have congressional backing while they froze there ass off at Baston. You are an ignorant person.

Unknown said...

I will buy that rope if it contributes to JD being humiliated in the race.
Wait I don't have to do that I just have to wait. He'll come up with something to humiliate himself. GOOD OLD JD.

Unknown said...

I love the fact that John McCain was so smart not to debate this guy right away if ever. He will wear out his welcome with Arizona and maybe just maybe he will never ever be on the airwaves again

AZDad said...

Maybe he went to a progressive school and used their re written history books. LOL That would explain why he thinks we didn't declare war.

Those books would make us out to be the bad guy in every situation.

Sojourner said...

If I had a nickel for every FACT that John McCain got wrong - I'd be able to quit working today. JD's Heart is right - McCain is a political animal - playing both sides of the equation and he can't stay put on the principle of an issue, and defend for the sake of a principle - at least JD does. Congressmen get things wrong all the time. JD will knock McCain out - believe it or not!

Tony GOPrano said...

JD Hayworth is proving more & more everytime that he opens his mouth that he DOES NOT have the credentials to be a US Senator.

Sojourner, John McCain is going to kick Hayworth's ass by double digits so get used to it.

Sojourner said...

Tony - I must've touched a nerve - I also would take McCain - so not too worried about the primary. McCain just seems to waffle around the issues too much - I think he's finding himself threatened this time around - which he shouldn't be at all, having just run for president.

Tony GOPrano said...

No Sojourner he is just taking re-election seriously. He is running vs someone along with his campaign staff who will say and/or do anything to win.

Fortunately the voters of Arizona know better:

Arizona Senate GOP Primary: McCain 52%, Hayworth 40% - Rasmussen Poll