Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Governor Jan Brewer Unveils New Job Training Partnership with Microsoft

Microsoft to Provide 20,500 Vouchers to Job Seekers in Arizona

PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer today announced that Arizona will join forces with Microsoft in an innovative public-private partnership to provide free technology training to individuals across the state. Through Elevate America, Microsoft will work with the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) in coordination with the Arizona Department of Commerce to distribute 20,500 vouchers for free, online technology training and certification. Elevate America provides a wide variety of resources to individuals seeking skills and job resources.

“This partnership between Microsoft and the State of Arizona will provide a valuable resource for Arizona citizens who wish to build their technological proficiencies to obtain employment in the competitive and ever-changing workforce,” said Governor Brewer. “Job creation is one of my highest priorities for the state and public-private partnerships such as these will equip our workforce with the skills and experience that are essential in this technological world we live in.”
“Elevate America helps equip people with the crucial technology skills necessary to get a job in today’s competitive workplace,” said Tyler Bryson, General Manager, Southwest District, Microsoft Corporation. “We believe that this type of public-private partnership will play an important role in rebuilding Arizona and the nation’s
economy by offering immediate access to basic technology literacy and skills training to ultimately improve recipients’ employment

Vouchers will be made available to Arizona state residents who want to increase their skills, with a special focus on low-income job seekers, dislocated workers, and those most likely to successfully use the vouchers.
Individuals can request vouchers at or call DES at 1-800-352-8168 for information regarding the closest available OneStop Center location.

Microsoft announced the “Elevate America” program at the National Governor’s Association Winter Conference in February 2009. The initiative is expected to provide up to 1 million vouchers nationwide for Microsoft e-Learning courses and select Microsoft certification exams at no or low cost to recipients. The program, part of Microsoft’s overall Unlimited Potential efforts to improve social and economic opportunities for people, will provide technology training for up to two million people during the next three years.

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