Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Governor Jan Brewer Signs Education Reform Legislation

Education Bills Referenced in the Governor’s State of the State Address Signed into Law

PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer today announced she has now signed into law all of the education bills touted in her January State of the State address.

“I’m very proud of the legislative accomplishments achieved this session regarding education reform,” said Governor Brewer. “I would like to thank education chairs Senator John Huppenthal and Representative Rich Crandall for their leadership in enacting these important and progressive educational reforms.”

“Increasing college and career readiness and reducing the achievement gap are key goals for the business community,” said Thomas Franz, President and CEO of Greater Phoenix Leadership. “Arizona's business leaders were proud to support this package of
reforms and look forward to their implementation.”

Yesterday, the Governor signed HB 2732 and SB 1040. HB 2732 lays the groundwork for the end of third grade social promotion and will increase literacy rates by creating powerful incentives to focus on these critical early years. The new promotion requirements do not apply to pupils who are enrolled in grade three before the 2014 school year; the bill will become effective upon the successful passage of Proposition 100. SB 1040 will require the State Board of Education to adopt a model framework for teacher and principal evaluations, which includes data on student academic progress and accounts for between 33-50 percent of the evaluation outcomes. Use of such evaluation instruments by school districts and charter schools shall begin in 2013.

Last week, Governor Brewer signed into law the school labeling system legislation, SB 1286, which replaces the current school classification system with a letter grade system. The current system rating schools as “excelling”, “highly performing”, “performing plus”, “performing”, “under-performing” and “failing” will be replaced with simple letter grades, such as “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and “F”. Additionally, for the first time school districts will receive grades.

The passage of these three pieces of legislation, along with the alternative teacher certification bill signed by Governor Brewer in April, will play a key role in Arizona’s Race to the Top application.

1 comment:

Straight-Arrow said...

OFF TOPIC…BUT ON POINT! SB1024,amending sections 16-311, 16-312, 16-321, 16-341, 16-344, 16-502, 16‑507 and 16‑543.02, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to conduct of elections.

The following 4 REPUBLICANS voted with Democrats, who think THIS piece of legislation is what has made Arizona the national laughing stock:

Rep. Russell Jones (R), LD-24, 602-926-3002
Rep. Adam Driggs, (R), LD-11, 602-926-3022
Rep. Rich Crandall, (R), LD-19, 602-926-3020
Rep. Vic Williams, (R), LD-26, 602-926-5839

1st, this ain’t th’ legislation that has made us the laughing stock of America…True Conservatives can factually TELL anybody that!

2nd, The “long form birth certificate” is a $36.00 document, in America. Why would the sitting president spend over $1,000,000.00 of his own money to NOT show it to Americans who want to see it? It would be a win,win,win for him & “Team Socialism”! Also, THIS IS ALREADY IN THE U.S. CONSTITUTION! Why we needed to even bring this up is a mystery to me. Why didn’t then Sec. of State Brewer simply envoke this constutional regulation before accepting his electorial documents?

Lastly, what’s up with these 4 ?republicans? siding with the Dems on this issue? Why is it SO HARD TO READ & FOLLOW THE CONSTITUTION?!?!?! Are these 4 also involved with voting “nay” on The ILLEGAL immigration legislation, & the topic of discussion on this thread, SB1070?!?!?!

This type of garbage is why we conservatives are having such a rough go, presently, in my opinion…