Thursday, May 27, 2010

Governor Jan Brewer Issues Executive Order on Border Security & Immigration Legal Defense Fund

Yesterday, Governor Jan Brewer announced the hiring of outside legal counsel to defend SB1070 as well as mechanisms to pay for the legal defense of the lawsuits. Governor Jan Brewer has issued Executive Order 2010-11 (attached, and below), detailing the creation of the Governor’s Border Security & Immigration Legal Defense Fund.

The Governor’s Office has already received unsolicited
contributions of approximately $10,000.00 from nearly 300 individuals in over 40 states to defend Arizona’s new laws.

Additional procedures are under development to assure full accountability and disclosure of the funds received. Those wishing to contribute to the fund may continue to send checks payable to the Governor’s Border Security & Immigration Legal Defense Fund, c/o Governor Jan Brewer, 1700 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85007.


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