Friday, May 28, 2010

Cong. JEFF FLAKE - National Debt soars past $13 Trillion

It’s been a little while since I last wrote you, so I thought I’d drop you a note about something that is truly alarming in Washington. Over the past eighteen months we've experienced a number of historic “firsts,” none of which have been very pleasant.

Get ready for another. Today, as you read this email, the national debt has just surpassed $13 trillion dollars - and it continues to grow rapidly. Here’s another way to look at it: your share of the national debt is nearly $118,000. Unfortunately, that number will be even higher tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.

It gets even worse when you realize that the national debt tells only part of the story. When you add up all the federal government’s “unfunded liabilities,” which are unsecured promises to future Social Security and Medicare recipients, the total comes to approximately $53 trillion.

These numbers simply boggle the mind. One thing is certain: unless we quickly get a handle on spending, the tough economic times we are experiencing now will seem like the good ol' days.

The situation we are seeing today in Greece and elsewhere in Europe will cross the Atlantic soon enough if the federal government doesn’t get its fiscal house in order.

That’s why I vote “no” so often. I simply couldn’t face those of you who sent me to Washington, or my own children for that matter, knowing that I was part of problem rather than part of the solution.

I’ll be introducing a proposal in the coming weeks that will help you to help me deal with the exploding national debt and budget deficit. I look forward to sharing the details with you very soon.

Thanks again for your continued support of my efforts in Washington, DC.

Sincerely yours,
Jeff Flake

P.S. If you ever have a question about what I’m working on in Washington, I would encourage you to email me directly at . I receive a lot of emails on a daily basis, but I promise to try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you again for your support.

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