PHOENIX, AZ – U.S. Senator John McCain’s re-election campaign today released a new radio ad, “Earmarks,” in which Congressman Jeff Flake (District 6) contrasts the fiscal records of Senator McCain, who’s led the long fight against wasteful Washington earmark spending, and former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, who embraced the corrupt pork barrel earmark process during his 12 years in Congress.
Like Senator McCain, Congressman Flake understands that the wasteful, corrupting earmark process is emblematic of the Republican Party’s abandonment of its core principles of
limited government and fiscal responsibility.
Congressman Flake supports Senator McCain for re-election because he knows Republicans want a Senator who will stand up to the big spenders in Washington, not join them.
Related Articles:
“Rep. Jeff Flake is lending a hand to fellow earmark foe Sen. John McCain. Flake, R-Ariz., appears in the four-term Arizona GOP senator's latest re-election campaign radio ad. In the 60-second spot, Flake credits McCain's years-long crusade against wasteful pork
projects as leading to recent steps to reduce earmarks. Flake also takes a shot at his former colleague J.D. Hayworth, the former Arizona congressman now making an insurgent Republican run for the Senate. McCain has hammered Hayworth as ‘a big-spending, earmarking pork-barreler’ for supporting the pork-stuffed 2005
transportation bill and other earmarks.” – The Arizona Republic
“Senator John McCain … released a new radio ad Wednesday assailing his primary challenger J.D. Hayworth’s proclivity for earmarking while in the House of Representatives. The 60-second spot features anti-pork crusader Congressman Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, who credits McCain with a career devoted to eliminating wasteful federal spending and aligns Hayworth with big spending Democrats. ‘Republicans, including Senator McCain’s opponent, lost their bearings on federal spending,’ Flake said. ‘They loaded up bills with pork barrel projects, and the voters punished Republicans by putting Democrats in charge.’ … A poll by DailyKos/Research2000 released last Friday showed McCain leading Hayworth by a
solid 15 percentage point margin.” - RedState

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