Wednesday, April 07, 2010


First J.D. Hayworth flirts with the 'Birthers'!

Then he pushes for 'Horse Nuptuals'!

Now he is crying that a "McCain Supporter" wants to see him assassinated. Is this guy nuts?

Grant Woods, former AZ Attorney General said this about Hayworth:

"The idea that a man like John McCain has to deal
with a Bozo like J.D. Hayworth is really offensive. To have just a caricature of the opportunistic, bombastic
politician throwing grenades at him at this stage of his career is really a sad commentary. Someone needs to drive a wooden stake through this guy's heart."


Shane Wikfors, who runs the Sonoran Alliance Blog (PAID FOR BY JD HAYWORTH), and is now Field Director for the Hayworth campaign, said yesterday on his Blog that, "I’ve Always Hated That Grant Woods...

This is the same Shane Wikfors who posted this recently on his Twitter page:

Another one of Hayworth's staffers posted this recently:

@Rach_IC i cannot stand mccain. never have liked him.

Grant Woods was right! Hayworth is a BOZO!!! His constantant blasting of Senator McCain during the 2008 Presidential campaign was despicable. Hayworth & his 'stable mates' have spent the entire campaign spreading lies about John McCain.

Is that all you got JD? The good thing is that come August 25th, we won't ever have to hear about JD Hayworth and his followers ever again!


Anonymous said...

Leave it to JD to be the "smartest" guy... yeah I don't what else the State of Arizona needs to see before we tell this guy to take a hike!

JennsR said...

I am so tired of the McCain bashing campaign JD is running. I have yet to hear him say anything intelligent...He got his reputation for a reason (the dumbest member in Congress)