To Mr. Rob Haney, County Chair of the MCRC:
It is at least dishonest, and at most in violation of the bylaws of the Republican Party of this county and state, to endorse a primary candidate in your official capacity as the county chair.
As the leader of the GOP in this county, your job is to promote the GOP, not one particular candidate in the primary.
I have no problem with you stating your former credentials, the fact that you are a Republican and a PC, and follow that with your endorsement.
But you may not make such an endorsement in my opinion, using your chairmanship to put the weight behind it.
You do not speak for all of us when making such an endorsement.
And I personally have seen your name on the nominating petition for Jim Deakin.
Your signature on Hayworth’s petition is therefore invalid.
All of this speaks to the need for a bottom-up cleaning of the county machine.
I refer you to Article VI, Section 5, Paragraph A of the MCRC Bylaws, "Contested Primary Elections", where it states,
"No officer or member(of the Executive Governing Committee- Michael) may claim to speak on the behalf of the EGC in support of a candidate in the Republican Primary Elections unless authorized to do so by the advance approval of 60% of the elected membership of the EGC at a duly constituted meeting."
Such a vote NOT having taken place, it is my considered opinion that the County Chair has in fact violated this provision of the Bylaws of the Maricopa County Republican Committee. I have seen several occasions where Mr. Haney has stated his chairmanship and coupled
it with an endorsement of JD Hayworth. This does an injustice both to Senator McCain and to Jim Deakin.
Included below is the contents of a post on TaxDayTeaParty.com made by Mr. Haney on February 25 of this year, endorsing JD Hayworth in his capacity as Maricopa County Chair.
Rob Haney says:
February 25, 2010 at 4:11 am
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts in Arizona. Speaking as the former Chairman of the AZ Legislative District in which John McCain lives and the current Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party, I am at a loss of words to express the appreciation that we feel for your endorsement and the work that the Tea Parties in AZ have done for the conservative cause.
We have been embattled with the Maverick McCain, RINO political machine for years.
We have been praying that we could hang on until the cavalry arrived and now you are on the way, bugles sounding, horses pounding, flags waving.
We are so grateful for your support.
The battle will be a clear fight between the arrogant media elites, political incumbents, special interest lobbyists, big government, non enforcement of immigration laws, and cheap labor advocates verses the grass root activists.
Just look at who is endorsing McCain and who is endorsing JD and what they represent.McCain represents top-down dictatorship by the establishment elite and JD represents bottoms-up reassertion of representation and reaction to what the common folk desire, not disdain for their fundamental, common sense belief that the Constitution should be followed.
Thank you, now let’s get this done. Don’t be discouraged by the media panders to McCain such as Bill Bennett, Sean Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, and Bill O’Rielly. They appear to be afraid of being cut off by the power elites who would no longer appear on their programs.We will have further disappointments like Palin, Brown and Romney, but it is they who have lost the high ground by endorsing McCain. We do have truth on our side after all. There is the voting record.
The only broadcasters who are calling it as it is are Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage. God bless ‘em and thank you again. Please send financial support as well.
The big money interests have already backed McCain. We need large and small donations from conservatives from every state to combat those who won’t hear us because they aren’t listening. JD is the consistent conservative who will listen and take action.
Arizona thanks you again!
This kind of dishonesty is exactly the kind of thing we in the Tea Parties are trying to clean up, especially in the Republican Party.
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