Hayworth also took issue with a quote in the article from former GOP state Attorney General Grant Woods —
a McCain supporter — who said of Hayworth, “Someone needs to drive a wooden stake through this guy’s heart.”
“This cavalier death threat that he issued is over the top,” Hayworth said.
“If Grant Woods had a shred of decency he would apologize for what amounts to a death threat,” he said. “For Mr. Woods to issue a death threat in a national magazine like Newsweek is way beyond the pale.”
I'm pretty sure that was a metaphor. You see, Mr. Hayworth, in the popular culture, there's this evil figure called "Dracula." He can only be killed by driving a stake through his heart. Generally speaking, driving a stake through the heart is not considered an efficient way of killing regular people.
Great Quote on Hayworth after JD's 'lame attempt' to knock John McCain:
McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers said: “It sounds like Mr. Hayworth is off his meds. His flailing attacks reflect the panic that’s taken over at Hayworth HQ"
Source: Politico.com
1 comment:
JD cannot find anything intelligent to say about policy, this is his unintelligent way of attracting media attention! He needs to learn the definition of a metaphor.
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