Monday, April 12, 2010


Welcome to Bill Konopnicki's New Website - !

Bill has been the State Representative for Legislative District 5 since 2003. He is a highly valued, and well respected member of the State Legislature.

Konopnicki has won the following awards:

Arizona Technology Council
2006 Tech 10 Legislative Award
2007 Tech Legislator of the Year
2008 Outstanding Tech Legislator of the Year
2009 Representative of the Year
Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association
2005 Legislative Appreciation Award
2006 Legislative Appreciation Award
2007 Legislative Appreciation Award
2009 Legislative Appreciation Award
County Supervisors Association of Arizona
2004 Outstanding Legislative Service on behalf of Counties
2005 Legislator of the Year
2006 Award of Appreciation
2008 County Champion

2009 Outstanding Legislator Award
Arizona Small Business Association
2007 Eagle for Enterprise Award
2008 Eagle for Enterprise Award
Association of Counties
2006 Legislator of the Year
2007 Legislator of the Year
League of Cities and Towns
2005 Award of Distinction
2007 Friends of Cities and Towns
2008 Friends of Cities and Towns
2009 Champion of Cities and Towns
Arizona Chamber of Commerce
2006 Representative of the Year
2008 Representative of the Year
Arizona Association of Providers for People with Disabilities
2005 With Gratitude from Providers and Individuals with Disabilities
2007 With Gratitude from Providers and Individuals with Disabilities
Arizona Family Project
2003 Friend of the Family
2004 Friend of the Family
2005 Friend of the Family
2006 Friend of the Family
2007 Friend of the Family

Other Awards

2006 Arizona Library Association Outstanding Decision Maker
2006 Arizona Association of Community Health Centers Legislator of the Year
2007 Arizona State University Legislative Champion
2007 Charter Member of Arizona Legislators for Wildlife
2008 Autism Society of America – for Dedication and Leadership
2009 Circle of Influence Award – Arizona Association of County School Superintendents
For Support of Public Education Eastern Arizona College Alumni Association Annual Award
In Recognition of your Commitment, Service and years of Support

A resident of Safford for 39 years, Bill is the father of four children, all of whom have been educated in public school. Bill is also the proud grandfather of ten grandchildren. He makes his home in Safford with his wife, Cathy, who is a School Psychologist, and their daughter, Sara.

Bill is a strong voice for rural Arizona. He has worked on many issues that impact rural Arizonans. He has been a leader in protecting Small Business, health care issues, retiree issues and providing necessary services while keeping taxes down.

Please visit today!

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