The latest DailyKos/Research 2000 poll (3/29/2010-3/31/2010, 600 LVs, MOE +/- 4%) finds that John McCain is in pretty good shape to win a fifth term to the Senate. In addition, he is presently in solid shape to defeat former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, who is challenging McCain from the right. The only declared Democratic candidate is Tucson City Councilman Rodney Glassman. President Obama's approval rating in the state is upside-down at 41%-55%:
Primary Matchup:
McCain -- 52%, Hayworth -- 37%
General Election:
McCain -- 48%, Bruce Babbitt -- 42%
Hayworth -- 43%, Babbitt -- 42%
McCain -- 53%, Gabby Giffords -- 34%
Hayworth -- 49%, Giffords -- 36%
McCain -- 52%, Rodney Glassman -- 33%
Hayworth -- 48%, Glassman -- 37%
McCain -- 57%, Nan Stockholm Waldman -- 21%
Hayworth -- 53%, Walden -- 22%
The Hayworth Knee Padders are in PANIC Mode. They know he is fading fast and are afraid to post their money numbers because they know it won't show much in the bank.
Apparently the poll is good enough for Real Clear Politics to use in their tracking.
And, just in case it is too hard to see among “the blinded by the light” crowd of JD followers…the Dems are polling to see if they have a chance to claim the seat. They have an interest in an accurate poll. There is no bigger opponent to Obama’s socialist agenda in the Senate than John McCain.
A JD win in the primary fits very well in their plan to pour money into AZ and take that seat. Glassman is a Tucson version of Jim Pederson, loaded and not afraid to spend it, not to mention the big Dem dollars it will attract. Roll the tapes of Hayworth’s self-promoting, high-spending, unethical career…and the voters will reject Mr. Hayworth..AGAIN!
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