Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arizona Hispanic Republicans Renewing Call For Hayworth To Disavow Endorsement of Group That Makes References To “Wetbacks”

Arizona Hispanic Republicans Renewing Call For Hayworth To Disavow Endorsement of Group That Makes References To “Wetbacks” and To Disavow His Support For SB 1070 – “Operation Wetback”

For Immediate Release
Contact: Communications
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Phoenix, AZ – Arizona Hispanic Republicans are calling for Hayworth to disavow his endorsement and return contributions to a group that makes fun of and depicts Mexicans as “taco benders”, “pepper bellies” and “wetbacks”. We believe that JD Hayworth is turning a blind eye to hate-mongering, racist groups, and extremist views.

We believe that JD Hayworth is un-Republican and is a modern day segregationist because he has stated that he has been a “longtime
supporter of the efforts of Pearce” regarding immigration. Abraham
Lincoln helped establish the Republican Party and was instrumental in doing away with the evils towards people of color. Without Republicans, the Civil Rights Act would never have been passed when it was introduced by Kennedy. As the dixiecrats were infighting, Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act in higher proportions than Democrats. Even though the Democrats
were segregationists, without Republicans the bill would have failed.

We are also calling upon JD Hayworth to relinquish his support towards State Senator Russell Pearce’s SB 1070.

Russell Pearce is an advocate of “Operation Wetback”, and Pearce acknowledged courts have ruled that the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - the one that granted due process and equal protection under the law - guarantees citizenship to anyone born in this country. Pearce said extending that to those born of parents not here legally is based on a misreading of the amendment.” (Howard Fisher (2007, December 31) New Bill Targets Illegal Aliens. Retrieved April 21, 2010, from ).

Hayworth has stated, “I have been a longtime supporter of the efforts of State Senator Russell Pearce to combat illegal immigration.” (IC Arizona (2010, April 14) JD Hayworth on Arizona’s SB 1070. Retrieved April 21, 2010, from IC Arizona: ).

Since Hayworth has stated that he has been a longtime supporter of the efforts of State Senator Russell Pearce, we are calling upon him to clarify his position with regard to Pearce’s idea that “one cannot be a non-citizen in this country and have the baby be declared a citizen.” It is un-American to relinquish the rights of those who are born on American soil within the United States.

Several Arizona Hispanic Republicans are veterans of the Armed Forces with honorable discharges, and we all swore to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States. However, there are those like Pearce and his longtime supporters who are misinterpreting it, and are making their attempts to change the Constitution of the United States of America.


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