Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Arizona Governor: Goddard Loses Ground To All GOP Hopefuls

The top four contenders for Arizona’s Republican gubernatorial nomination, including incumbent Governor Jan Brewer, have all expanded their support since last month in match-ups with the likely Democratic nominee, State Attorney General Terry Goddard. The Democrat has lost ground and now trails in all four contests.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds the four Republicans earning between 44% and 47% of the vote, while support for Goddard ranges from 34% to 40%. In every match-up, roughly 10% of voters prefer another candidate, while another 10% are undecided.

Over the past month, despite even higher opposition to the new national health care plan in Arizona than is found nationally, Goddard has refused to join other state attorneys general in suing to stop the plan from becoming law. He argues that the suit will be unsuccessful and is a waste of taxpayer money. Brewer has gone ahead with a lawsuit anyway, delegating the legal work to her general counsel.

Now Brewer, who became governor when Janet Napolitano moved to Washington to be secretary of Homeland Security and has been plagued with severe budget problems ever since, earns 44% to Goddard’s 40%. A month ago, Goddard posted a 45% to 36% lead over the governor. were virtually tied in January.

State Treasurer Dean Martin is still the biggest votegetter, with 47% support to Goddard’s 34%.

Goddard earns 37% of the vote against businessman Buz Mills and former Arizona Republican Party Chairman John Munger. Mills and Munger, in turn, pick up 46% and 44% support, respectively.

Last month, only Martin and Mills managed to draw greater support than Goddard from likely Arizona voters.

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