Dennis Welch of "The Arizona Guardian" broke the story yesterday that
Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard’s office said Tuesday it plans to look into accusations that state Treasurer Dean Martin manipulated state finances in 2007.
Martin reportedly told a group of Republicans last week that he directed his staff to hide money so that former Gov. Janet Napolitano, a Democrat, would not know how much cash was in state bank accounts.
This story was relayed by Steven Slaton, a Republican candidate for Governor. I spoke to Mr. Slaton this morning on the phone and he confirmed this. Other politicians were at the same table as Mr. Slaton and they all were 'taken back' by Treasurer Martin's comments:
"Myself with many others were honored to attend the Cobre Valley Republican Club, Lincoln day dinner. This was held in Globe Arizona on February 27th, 2010. There were very good guest speakers with Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, and Tom Jenney of
Arizona for Prosperity. The key note speaker was Arizona State Treasurer Mr. Dean Martin, whom also is a Candidate for Governor. Mr. Martin was just about through with his speech, and he started talking on the subject how he, saved the State of Arizona millions upon millions by not reporting the revenue collected to then Governor Janet Napolitano back in 2007. Mr. Martin said that he informed
his staff to withhold deposit so that the governor would not know how much money came into the treasury. Thus stopping her from spending it!" said Slaton.
"Now needless to say many of us in the room, seemed to be taken aback by this self proclaimed confession on how Mr. Martin overreached his authority as state treasurer."
We have also received confirmation by other sources via e-mail that Martin said exactly that.
Whether or not the AG's office looks into this matter further, if true, withholding a deposit to make the Governor look bad (no matter who the Governor is/was) is not ethical! The State Treasurer is supposed to work for US, not to advance a political agenda.
Steven Slaton: Confession on Lincoln Day Dinner- SWR
AG's Office looks into allegations treasurer massaged the books By Dennis Welch The Arizona Guardian
What would Honest Abe say? The Arizona Republic
Andrei Cherny calls for investigation of State Treasurer Dean Martin - Blog for Arizona
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