The men and women of the Greatest Generation earned the name after the horrific and cowardly attack on Pearl Harbor during the morning hours of Dec. 7, 1941. They fought back against the Imperial Japanese Navy and later the Nazis, crushing the evil empires that wanted to conquer the world.
The next Great Generation is now on the ground, in the seas, and in the air fighting Muslim Jihadists who brought war to America’s homeland on Sept. 11, 2001. Scores upon scores of patriotic men and women joined the Armed Forces after the second day which will live in infamy.
They have sacrificed their lives, just as our troops did in World War II. Today is the anniversary of the day when the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the American Army and Navy base in Pearl Harbor, killing more than 2,000 Americans. The sneak attack pushed America into a war it didn’t want. President Franklin Roosevelt in a speech to Congress stated that the bombing of Pearl Harbor was “a date which will live in infamy”.
Nice post, I just posted my Pearl Harbor post today...Pearl Harbor to Ft. Hood: Never Forget http://ff.im/-czhxQ stop by and take a look, leave a comment if you'd like...I'm an AZ mom blogger...would love to get added to your list of AZ bloggers? Let me know and I'll add you to my blogroll. Thanks!
My cousin, AJ, died on the USS Arizona. When I lived in Phoenix, I used to go down to the USS Arizona anchor and look at his name. I would try to get a sense of what he must have felt during those last few minutes of is life. I know what is was like to be in battle from my point of view, but I was not trapped inside a ship, sunk by dastardly cowards, in a sneak attack.
My family is all military. Parents, children, brothers and cousins. Some are still on active duty today.
I promised my Dad, a WWII fighter pilot, that I'd always remember the sacrifice made by so many on Dec. 7th, 1941.
Now as the Patriarch of the family, I have passed on that remembrance to the remaining family. It has become a day of true reverence for our family. For Pearl Harbor and all those who have served, been wounded or have given their all, to keep this country free.
We will fight to last of us, to uphold the Constitution. We will vote and support those who will strive to keep our nation free from dictators and Communist leaders and uphold the rights given to us by that sacred document. We will expose evil and corruption and draw them out from under the rocks they live beneath.
Remember Pearl Harbor! Remember our troops and remember why you are free.
May God bless you all and may God bless the United States of America.
Patty Thanks for the kind comments. I have added your Blogs to our Blogroll. Continued success!
Your generation make so many ssacrifices for America that have made us what we are today, the greatest country in the world. We can NEVER forget this day, even though it was 65 years ago. Thanks for all you do, you are a true American Patriot!
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