Dear Friend,
We want to run this ad in Maine, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Nebraska heavily between now and Christmas to influence the swing votes we need in the Senate. It is aimed squarely at young people and I think will be very effective.
CLICK HERE to see it and to donate.
Even if you have given already, we need you to do it again. This is a cumulative process of moving public opinion and we need to keep at it. So far, we've raised over $3 million from 40,000 donations. But we need to keep pouring it on!
Two weeks ago, I told you -- and the Arkansas media -- that Zogby did a poll in Arkansas that asked voters how they would vote in the coming Senate race of the Democratic incumbent Blanche Lincoln and her possible Republican challengers. The question showed
Lincoln clinging to a two point lead. Then Zogby asked who they would vote for if Lincoln voted for the health care bill and she fell to 13 points behind her challengers.
Well, it happened and the lesson won't be lost on Ms. Lincoln.
She voted to consider the bill along with the other 59 Democrats and, yesterday, Rasmussen conducted a poll and found her nine points behind her Republican challengers! It is our ads -- aimed at those under 30 and over 65 -- that are having this impact. PLEASE give us funds to run them even more in the next three weeks!!!!
CLICK HERE to see it and to donate. Thanks, Dick Morris
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