Friday, October 23, 2009

Brad Marston at Greater Boston Young Republican Fall Social

Find more videos like this on MARSTON 2010


Tony GOPrano said...

Fantastic Job Brad! I sure hope MASS wakes up and sees a rising star in your candidacy for the State House! Keep up the great work! We need more candidates like you throught the country so we can get rid of the Obama Loving Liberals once and for all!

Tony GOPrano said...

Fantastic Job Brad! I sure hope MASS wakes up and sees a rising star in your candidacy for the State House! Keep up the great work! We need more candidates like you throught the country so we can get rid of the Obama Loving Liberals once and for all!

Brad Marston said...

Thanks "Tony". Congrats on your great blog. You are doing a terrific job here. When you google Brad Marston PoliticoMafioso is always the first result.