Monday, June 22, 2009

Public Schedule for Governor Jan Brewer for the Week Beginning Monday, June 22, 2009


Unknown said...

One thing that the administration is doing right is that Arizona has just taken a major step towards dismantling race and gender preferences and discrimination in state and local government. Today, The state Senate voted to place an initiative on the 2010 general election ballot barring discrimination against – or preferential treatment for – any individual on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. The Arizona House approved identical legislation last week.

“Today we are giving Arizonans an opportunity to tell our government to end this form of legalized discrimination once and for all,” remarked Rachel Alexander, chair of the Arizona Civil Rights Initiative.

And most people would agree with Rachel… A recent Quinnipiac University National Poll finds American voters overwhelmingly in favor of abolishing Affirmative Action. The survey also shows voters disagree by more than 3 to 1 with Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s ruling in favor of racial preferences in a case involving firefighters in New Haven, CT.

Tony GOPrano said...

Great post Annie! Unfortunately, with the Obamanation in charge, he is going to make Affirmative Action his #1 priority since that is how he got elected in the first place, pandering to minorities. Sotomayor is just the beginning; I tried to warn everyone of this for 3 years prior to the 2008 elections to no avail. God Help Us!