Minutemen & Supporters,
It was brought to my attention recently that MCDC Chapters have been separating from Chris Simcox, Carmen Mercer, Al Garza and National Director Ed Hayes (Kansas Chapter Director). For many in these chapters, some of the same questions that were attempted to ask of Simcox 2 years ago (all 18 of those Minutemen were terminated for requesting that mtg) are now coming back to light. Questions on National Structure, expenses, reimbursements, growth management, MCDC Finances, MCDC PAC Finances, and of course the failed and scam MCDC Fence Project put on in 2006.....(and still collecting donations through their website to this day)....people are asking about the Fence Finances.
Now in a recent meeting in which National Director Ed Hayes was asked to attend and try and sway MCDC members from going to PBA, or another group; a rather interesting course of events started to take place. It seems that many of the good hearted Minutemen volunteers from interior chapters believed......as they were told when they joined.....that their MCDC 'membership' were valid for Life. As many things do in life, this policy was changed by Chris Simcox earlier this year when MCDC became low on funds, and decided to charge 'members' annual dues. This new policy pissed-off a lot of donors, volunteers, and border activists....as it should. How can you change the rules, charge annual dues for an organization whos own By Laws claim there are NO MEMBERS, and by an organization who does not provide its supporters or the public-complete financial reports on time, if ever?? Ed Hayes was riddled with questions about the ID Cards and membership dues;
"Why must we pay again", one volunteer exclaimed. "I donated a ton of money, and now I have to pay to renew something I was told
was good for life?", another hailed. "I traveled 3 times to that border, thousands of miles in gas, and I have to pay for an ID Card every year". The questions kept coming.
Ed Hayes, nearly regretting coming to a meeting that Chris Simcox should have been at to answer these volunteers concerns; steadfast and stoic-answered as he had been told:
"You can continue to be lifelong members of MCDC by submitting a letter to National on what you have done for MCDC, such as if you went to the border you would get a Gold Card. If you donated money, please write a letter and ask for a Gold Card." (So another-words, if you didn't donate lots of money or go to the border-then you get to donate every year to get your card....sucker! And if you did, you've got to write a letter requesting to be 'forgiven'. )
Then came the questions about the fence, you remember....the Chris Simcox MCDC Fence Project....that Israeli styled fence with the electronic gadgets, car barriers, razor wire and that $7M material donation from Fomguard to help build it....you all remember that right? I do, I was there to MC the event when Alan Keyes and Chris Simcox took that $100K check from Jim Campbell for that Israeli styled fence! Man there were 300+ Minutemen there that day! Remind me to tell you how outraged I was to show up to find we were digging holes for a COW FENCE that day! Oh dont worry, it will be in my book!
At the meeting, someone suggested that pictures of the MCDC Fence that was built (10 miles of strand cow-fence) should be displayed on the MCDC website. Ed Hayes interrupted by telling the audience "that's old stuff, I dont want to talk about that". Another volunteer pushed the issue and claimed that if it was such an accomplishment to build this fence-then why not put it on the website and show the money was properly spent? Again, Hayes claimed that the pictures had been on the website in the past and wanted to dismiss the conversation at the meeting. Hayes did agree in the end to see if he could get the 'powers that be' to put the MCDC Fence pics up on the site, something to behold for the untold - literally UNTOLD amounts of money in donations taken in to build this fence.
You see Minutemen.....Chris Simcox and the rest of the 'leaders' within MCDC have never produced any financial information to the public regarding how much money was raised and spent on the MCDC Fence Project in 2006, 2007, 2008 and we are deep in 2009 and Simcox is still raising money for that MCDC Fence on his website. In fact, last summers national mail campaign to raise even more money for the fence-claims to have a plan to be on schedule to build again, soon. Whenever that might be. Soon....Simcox will show the public how much money was raised and where it was spent....but dont hold your breath.
Why, oh why; has there not ever been a disclosure of the MCDC Fence finances relating to this scam in 3 years, and why have you not asked Simcox about it? Maybe its somewhere in the MCDC By Laws.....those documents DO exist but Ed Hayes, Chris Simcox will not give you a copy.
Although Chris Simcox is no longer MCDC President, he is of course still its mouthpiece in every way. The fence was his idea. It was his idea to claim to be able to build an Isreali barrier. It was his idea to break ground 3 years ago last weekend on what became 10 miles of barbed-wire cow fence.....20 feet away from the border fence....which at that time was barbed-wire cow fence. Then he was forced to build .09 miles of a steel mesh panel fence that's nowhere near close to resembling what he advertised to build. And it sits rusting in the Arizona desert, not laid hands on in almost 2 years. Broken dreams, broken promises, broken flags lay tattered in the wind-duct taped to the fence.
Today, MCDC Interiors Chapters have seen the light, have asked the questions so many of us have asked in the past, and have separated themselves from Chris Simcox, Carmen Mercer, Al Garza and now-Ed Hayes. Patriots Border Alliance was created when 18 of us Minutemen volunteers called Chris Simcox to a meeting of his piers, in which he refused to attend. He claimed we violated MCDC By Laws. He claimed we had no authority to speak to each other in conference calls, we had no claim to ask for a meeting with Chris Simcox....so he terminated us. You can see the written details here: http://patriotsborderalliance.com/history.html
The fight to stop illegal immigration in the United States will never end. And, there are many ways individuals and groups can lend to this fight. Thank you for standing up for your country, your fellow citizens, your brother Minutemen and your community.
Let me let you in on a little secret in case you havent been able to connect the dots...
MCDC is a Project of Declaration Alliance.
Declaration Alliance is owned/operated by....Alan Keyes (he ran for President twice, and for US Senate, 3 time loser...but very wealthy...must be all those contributions?)
MCDC Fence donations go through Declaration Alliance, along with the other regular donations that come through MCDC.
Declaration Alliance/Alan Keyes.....God only knows what they do with that money, because nobody shows you.
Now weve had lots of financial questions for 3 years now.....and Chris Simcox (MCDC PRESIDENT) just announced his run for US Senate against a man whos never been beaten (in Arizona) and wins by huge margins in Arizona? Hummmm. Well, Id say Simcox has some pretty big balls......which I know is false.....so I'll go with HE'S RUNNING FOR OFFICE TO RAISE MONEY FOR DECLARATION ALLIANCE! You think Alan Keyes ran for President and Senate because he thought he could win? WRONG. He ran because there is money to be made in running for office. Especially for the losers.
Campaign finance reports will be the only way to tell..........but I sure know how to sniff out a rat. Hey, who moved my cheese?
Stacey O'Connell
Fugitive Recovery Services of Arizona
"You can run, but you cant hide."
US Supreme Court Ruling; TAYLOR v. TAINTOR, 83 U.S. 366 (1872) "When bail is given, the principal is regarded as delivered to the custody of his sureties. Their dominion is a continuance of the original imprisonment. Whenever they choose to do so, they may seize him and deliver him up in their discharge; and if that cannot be done at once, they may imprison him until it can be done. They may exercise their rights in person or by agent. They may pursue him into another State; may arrest him on the Sabbath; and, if necessary, may break and enter his house for that purpose. The seizure is not made by virtue of new process. None is needed. It is likened to the rearrest by the sheriff of an escaping prisoner."
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