Easter is a spring festival that celebrates the central event of the Christian faith: the resurrection of Christ three days after his death by crucifixion. {1} Easter is the oldest Christian holiday and the most important day of the church year. All the Christian movable feasts and the entire liturgical year of worship are arranged around Easter.
Easter Sunday is preceded by the season of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and repentence culminating in Holy Week, and followed by a 50-day Easter Season that stretches from Easter to Pentecost.
Name of Easter
The origins of the word "Easter" are not certain, but probably derive from Estre, an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring {2}. The German word Ostern has the same derivation, but most other languages follow the Greek term used by the early Christians: pascha, from the Hebrew pesach (Passover).
In Latin, Easter is Festa Paschalia (plural because it is a seven-day feast), which became the basis for the French Pâques, the Italian Pasqua, and the Spanish Pascua. Also related are the Scottish Pask, the Dutch Paschen, the Danish Paaske, and the Swedish Pask. {3}
Date of Easter
The method for determining the date of Easter is complex and has been a matter of controversy (see History of Easter, below). Put as simply as possible, the Western churches (Catholic and Protestant) celebrate Easter on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox.
But it is actually a bit more complicated than this. The spring equinox is fixed for this purpose as March 21 (in 2004, it actually falls on March 20) and the "full moon" is actually the paschal moon, which is based on 84-year "paschal cycles" established in the sixth century, and rarely corresponds to the astronomical full moon. These complex calculations yield an Easter date of anywhere between March 22 and April 25.
The Eastern churches (Greek, Russian, and other forms of Orthodoxy) use the same calculation, but based on the Julian calendar (on which March 21 is April 3) and a 19-year paschal cycle.
Thus the Orthodox Easter sometimes falls on the same day as the western Easter (it does in 2004), but the two celebrations can occur as much as five weeks apart.
In the 20th century, discussions began as to a possible worldwide agreement on a consistent date for the celebration of the central event of Christianity. No resolution has yet been reached. {4}
Religious Observances on Easter
Common elements found in most Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant religious Easter celebrations include baptisms, the Eucharist, feasting, and greetings of "Christ is risen!" and "He is risen indeed!"
In Roman Catholicism, and some Lutheran and Anglican churches, Easter is celebrated with a vigil that consists of "the blessing of the new fire (a practice introduced during the early Middle Ages); the lighting of the paschal candle; a service of lessons, called the prophecies; followed by the blessing of the font and baptisms and then the mass of Easter." {9} The traditional customs of the Catholic church are described in detail in the online Catholic Encyclopedia {10}.
In Orthodox churches, the vigil service is preceded by a procession outside the church. When the procession leaves the church, there are no lights on. The procession conducts a symbolic fruitless search for Christ's body, then joyfully announces, "Christ is risen!" When the procession returns to the church, hundreds of candles and lamps are lit to symbolize the splendor of Christ's resurrection, and the Easter Eucharist is taken. {11}
Protestant observances also include baptism and the Eucharist (or Lord's Supper), and often a sunrise service (to commemorate Mary Magdalene's arrival at the empty tomb "early, while it was still dark") and special hymns and songs.
Further Resources on Easter
Easter - Catholic Encyclopedia
Easter Controversy - Catholic Encyclopedia
Easter - Encyclopaedia Britannica (subscription)
The Origins of Pascha and Great Week - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Farrell Brown, "Why Does Easter's Date Wander?" Christian History and Biography Newsletter, April 9, 2004.
Liturgy of the Hours: Lenten and Easter Season
Mysterium Paschale
Lent and Easter in the Domestic Church: Activities to Celebrate Catholic Liturgy
Book of Catholic Customs and Traditions: Enhancing Holidays, Special Occassions & Family Celebrations "Explores a wealth of customs and traditions celebrated by Catholic families all over the world. The authors have compiled a collection of customs and traditions for every liturgical season - Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time, as well as an assortment of tips and ideas for making holidays and feast days especially meaningful for your family."
Easter Day Mass, Compact Disc by Gloria Dei Cantores
Great Week and Pascha in the Greek Orthodox Churchby Archbishop Alkiviadis C. Calivas
The Origins of Pascha and Great Week - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (Official Site)
Crosses, icons, and other Orthodox religious items are available at ReligiousMall.com, which gives a large percentage of their profits to charity.
The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church Episcopal Liturgy
Leading to Easter: Sermons and Worship Resources by Stan Purdum, Kirk W. Bruce, and Douglas E. Meyer
Resurrection Promises: Sermons, Worship Resources and Group Discussion Questions for the Easter Season by Leonard H. Budd, Roger G. Talbott
The Case for Easterby Lee Stroebel "Welcoming handshakes and warm greetings are nice, but this Easter give the seekers and once-a-year attendees in your church the life-changing answers to their questions about Christ's resurrection!" -Christianbook.com
1. 1 Corinthians 15:14.
2. The Venerable Bede,On the Reckoning of Time 1.5 (725 AD).
3. "Easter." Catholic Encyclopedia.
4. "Dating Pascha in the Orthodox Church," Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; "Easter." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004.
5. Greek Orthodox Calendar; Judaism 101.
6. Justin Martyr, ANF 1.186, c. 160; Tertullian, ANF 3.31, c. 197; Apostolic Constitutions, ANF 7.449, compiled c. 390.
7. Eccelesiastical History of England 5.23, quoted in "Easter Controversy," Catholic Encyclopedia.
8. "Easter." Catholic Encyclopedia.
9. "Easter." Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions.
10. "Easter." Catholic Encyclopedia.
11. "Easter." Merriam-Webster's Encyclopedia of World Religions.

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