Jack: Jose, did you see that news item about the brave captain this morning?
Jose: You bet. I just wish I could do something to help.
Jack: Well, the US Navy is there. Everything should be under control now.
Paul: I am not too sure about that. I believe in the Navy, all right, but I just do not trust the leadership in Washington, DC. They are too European oriented—and they ain’t us!
Jose: Paul is right. I heard one European spokesman say that they should not attack the pirates because they might be abusing their civil rights.
Paul: Yes, I heard that too. I also seem to remember when the radicals were ranting, raving, and rampaging through the streets of Europe, threatening to kill all Europeans, the Europeans could only say “Stop offending them!”
Jose: Yeah, right. Hide your little gold crosses and your piggy banks; don’t offend the people who came to kill you and steal your country.
Jack: I heard some lawyers on TV talk about not being able to arrest the pirates because there are no laws on the books.
Jose: It is strange how lawyers always want stuff written. When I took Constitutional Law at the university, the first thing I learned was that tradition is one of the main sources of law. And we have a long tradition of attacking and hanging pirates.
Paul: That is certainly good enough for me. To hell with Gitmo and trials. Many lawyers only want things easy. If the law is not written, they just have to work a little harder and talk a little longer.
Jose: I yes, I forgot. Obama and his bonzos want this piracy considered police business. He wants the FBI and the courts to handle it.
Jack: I don’t know whether they are crazy or just stupid. It reminds me of the movie Zulu, when the Swiss guy, Schiess was asked what army he was with. He said he was with the Natal Mounted Police. Remember they were surrounded by an impi of 4,000 warriors to about 100 riflemen.
Jose: (laughs) I remember that. The Welshman said, “How about that, a peeler (policeman), come to arrest the Zulu.
Paul: I guess it sounded stupid then and it is no different now. When was that, 1879?
Jack: Yeah, I guess we have not learned anything in the last 130 years.
Jose: Do we have to send process servers to Somali after the pirates, to get them to court? (They laugh)
Jack: Jose, I did not hear anything about illegal immigration so far today. Is the news media keeping it under wraps?
Jose: That would be my guess. I know that Obama wants to bring in all my uncles, aunts, and all their neighbors. I don’t know where we are going to put them.
Paul: One newsman said we could put them in the foreclosed homes.
Jose: They had better not. I came into this country legally and worked my tail off for a lot of years before I could make enough to buy my modest home. If those hateful reds think I am going to sit still and let people who do not belong here break the law, then get for nothing better houses than I can afford, they are asking for trouble. I will burn down those houses first.
Jack: But that is against the law; you will go to jail!
Jose: How come when those red Democrats do it, it is their right to civil disobedience; but when someone else does it, it is criminal?
Paul: That is how they think. They believe their own crappy propaganda, that they are for the good of the people, so they should be given a pass for, lying, stealing, graft, corruption, and other crimes. During the Vietnam War, I just could not believe that many of them were not jailed for sedition, at least. Some of those bastards were out and out traitors.
Jack: I know about that. And some of them are still in high places.
Jose: I see that Fox News is worried that if the pirates get to shore with that American captain, they will never see him again.
Paul: It is too bad that we are not in communication with the captain. We could tell him before then that Washington will not allow us to do anything, so they will take you to shore to God-knows-what horrors. What do you want us to do?
Jose: If I know the captain, he will say: “If there is no alternative, you should not waste time making up your mind. Blow this bathtub out of the water!”
Jack: But what about the family?
Jose: I don’t know about you, Jack, but I would rather that my family would know that I am dead, rather than know I have become the pirates’ plaything. I would not want then to see news videos of them dragging my naked, mutilated, dead body through the streets of Mogadishu.
Jack: What makes you think they would do that, Jose?
Jose: Jack, that’s what they do! They are pirates, for God’ sake!
Frank: (Running with news) Hey, guys. The captain is safe. He got away and the Navy killed three and captured one.
Jose: (Falls to the ground, sobbing) Thank God! Thank God!
Jack and Paul: Yes, thank God! And thank a great, brave man, Captain Phillips for being the man he is. This country needs people just like him to show us to be again the people we should be.
Jose: You bet. I just wish I could do something to help.
Jack: Well, the US Navy is there. Everything should be under control now.
Paul: I am not too sure about that. I believe in the Navy, all right, but I just do not trust the leadership in Washington, DC. They are too European oriented—and they ain’t us!
Jose: Paul is right. I heard one European spokesman say that they should not attack the pirates because they might be abusing their civil rights.
Paul: Yes, I heard that too. I also seem to remember when the radicals were ranting, raving, and rampaging through the streets of Europe, threatening to kill all Europeans, the Europeans could only say “Stop offending them!”
Jose: Yeah, right. Hide your little gold crosses and your piggy banks; don’t offend the people who came to kill you and steal your country.
Jack: I heard some lawyers on TV talk about not being able to arrest the pirates because there are no laws on the books.
Jose: It is strange how lawyers always want stuff written. When I took Constitutional Law at the university, the first thing I learned was that tradition is one of the main sources of law. And we have a long tradition of attacking and hanging pirates.
Paul: That is certainly good enough for me. To hell with Gitmo and trials. Many lawyers only want things easy. If the law is not written, they just have to work a little harder and talk a little longer.
Jose: I yes, I forgot. Obama and his bonzos want this piracy considered police business. He wants the FBI and the courts to handle it.
Jack: I don’t know whether they are crazy or just stupid. It reminds me of the movie Zulu, when the Swiss guy, Schiess was asked what army he was with. He said he was with the Natal Mounted Police. Remember they were surrounded by an impi of 4,000 warriors to about 100 riflemen.
Jose: (laughs) I remember that. The Welshman said, “How about that, a peeler (policeman), come to arrest the Zulu.
Paul: I guess it sounded stupid then and it is no different now. When was that, 1879?
Jack: Yeah, I guess we have not learned anything in the last 130 years.
Jose: Do we have to send process servers to Somali after the pirates, to get them to court? (They laugh)
Jack: Jose, I did not hear anything about illegal immigration so far today. Is the news media keeping it under wraps?
Jose: That would be my guess. I know that Obama wants to bring in all my uncles, aunts, and all their neighbors. I don’t know where we are going to put them.
Paul: One newsman said we could put them in the foreclosed homes.
Jose: They had better not. I came into this country legally and worked my tail off for a lot of years before I could make enough to buy my modest home. If those hateful reds think I am going to sit still and let people who do not belong here break the law, then get for nothing better houses than I can afford, they are asking for trouble. I will burn down those houses first.
Jack: But that is against the law; you will go to jail!
Jose: How come when those red Democrats do it, it is their right to civil disobedience; but when someone else does it, it is criminal?
Paul: That is how they think. They believe their own crappy propaganda, that they are for the good of the people, so they should be given a pass for, lying, stealing, graft, corruption, and other crimes. During the Vietnam War, I just could not believe that many of them were not jailed for sedition, at least. Some of those bastards were out and out traitors.
Jack: I know about that. And some of them are still in high places.
Jose: I see that Fox News is worried that if the pirates get to shore with that American captain, they will never see him again.
Paul: It is too bad that we are not in communication with the captain. We could tell him before then that Washington will not allow us to do anything, so they will take you to shore to God-knows-what horrors. What do you want us to do?
Jose: If I know the captain, he will say: “If there is no alternative, you should not waste time making up your mind. Blow this bathtub out of the water!”
Jack: But what about the family?
Jose: I don’t know about you, Jack, but I would rather that my family would know that I am dead, rather than know I have become the pirates’ plaything. I would not want then to see news videos of them dragging my naked, mutilated, dead body through the streets of Mogadishu.
Jack: What makes you think they would do that, Jose?
Jose: Jack, that’s what they do! They are pirates, for God’ sake!
Frank: (Running with news) Hey, guys. The captain is safe. He got away and the Navy killed three and captured one.
Jose: (Falls to the ground, sobbing) Thank God! Thank God!
Jack and Paul: Yes, thank God! And thank a great, brave man, Captain Phillips for being the man he is. This country needs people just like him to show us to be again the people we should be.
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