Tuesday, March 03, 2009

“HOLY STRAW POLL, Batman!” Republicans at 2009 CPAC rank GOP issues; social & family values score low…..proving that when $$ talks, ideology walks

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Batman once said: "An older head can’t be put on younger shoulders."

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) tribe has spoken…..but you won’t read what it had to say anywhere else but here at Politico Mafioso. The truth, taken in its entirety, is ugly…..but only if you’re already delusional.

Most of the attendees at the annual CPAC meetings are from Generation X and Y – 75% were under age 40 in 2009. At least 59% were men and 29% were women – several hundred even REFUSED to answer the question.

While the majority of the 1,757 voters in the 2009 CPAC Straw Poll pledged their support to Mitt Romney, should he run for US President in 2012….that is not the REAL news.

The REAL revelations lie within the OTHER 13 pages of the 2009 Straw Poll. This is a must read if you want an accurate peek into the minds of two future generations of Republican leaders and voters.

[Read the entire 2009 CPAC Straw Poll HERE - While you’re at it, look at the 2006-08 Straw Polls as well.]

The TRUTH is, the issues that motivate and matter most to our GOP activist children and grandchildren are in DIRECT CONFLICT with the primary issues of the GOP GRASSROOTS activists all around this country – especially so, here in Arizona. We’re suspended in an “Issue Timewarp” – according to the CPAC voters. Read the data.

Page nine of the Straw Poll (illustrated in the graphic above) should be mailed to every MCRC and AZGOP hoo-yah, every (R) legislator and every flavor of Christian Conservative you know. It’s a current snapshot of the heart of a young Republican.

When asked, “Which ONE of the following comes closest to your core beliefs and ideology?” 74% said their most important goal was to promote freedom by reducing the size of Gov’t and its intrusion into citizen’s lives. A slim minority of 15% expressed a traditional family/life ideology and only 10% held the “secure/safe America at any cost” ideology.

The results of this Straw Poll completely conflict with yesterday’s headline from CNSNews.com: Republican Leaders Claim Sanctity of Life Is Vital Issue for Rebuilding GOP. The US Senate and House Minority leaders spoke to the CPAC audience and declared that the GOP would rise again via the Pro-Life issue. Yet, at the SAME meeting, the CPAC voters said that the Pro-Life issue was NOT the soapbox for 85% of them. Once again, the “old-timey music” GOP propaganda machine refuses to confront REALITY in a desperate attempt to salvage the farm. Who is not reading the memos?

The CPAC straw poll then asked voters to name their two MOST personally important GOP Platform issues. Reducing the Size of the Federal Government was the #1 winner – getting 27% of the MOST vote and 16% of the SECOND MOST vote. Followed by:

Reducing Government Spending (9%, 15%)

War on Terrorism (12%, 11%)

Lowering Taxes (9%, 13%)

Doing Away with Abortion (10%, 5%)

Illegal Immigration (4%, 6%)

Stimulating the Economy (5%, 4%)

Restoring Gov’t Honesty (4%, 4%)

Promoting Traditional Values (4%, 4%)

Protecting Gun Owner’s Rights (3%, 4%)

Improving Education (2%, 3%)

The War in Iraq (2%, 3%)

Who raised these kids anyway? It gets worse.

When asked which Obama and/or Democrat policy “Do you FEAR the MOST”, 36% of those present answered, "Expanding Gov’t with New Spending Programs". Followed by:

Nationalizing a Gov’t Health Care System (20%)

Restoring the Fairness Doctrine (10%)

Reversing the Bush Tax Cuts and Raising Taxes (9%)

Allowing Federal Funds to Pay for Abortions/clinics (8%)

Taking away Worker’s Right to a Secret Ballot (2%)

Having the US sign the Kyoto Protocol (2%)


Finally, scaring the bejeebees out of 18 voters (1%)……Allowing Gays to Openly Serve in the Military.

Generation X & Y put it in writing over the weekend, didn’t they? They’ve been putting it in writing every year. I don’t think anyone has bothered to pay attention. The most visible GOP activist issues of Pro-Life, Illegal Immigration, Gun Ownership and Traditional Marriage were cast aside by the future Republican leaders. Is this a temporary move? Has anyone asked?

In reading the polls of the last four years, the CPAC voters have been finding their future identity – as THEIR Republican Party.. Not mine, not yours and definitely not Rob Haney’s or Randy Pullen’s.

Fiscally conservative policies and limited government are the most important issues to our children and grandchildren. Who is MAN ENOUGH to listen to them and ask them why? Barry Goldwater would be proud. Don Goldwater won’t be.

I’m not telling anyone to give up their personal platform issue activism. But you should understand why most of the younger people do NOT share your rage and/or passion. It might kick in one day, but for now, they deserve your respect and attention. Their purview of the world is completely different than yours. Their voice matters – and it must stand on its own – apart from yours.

You should listen. Without talking back.

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