Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Al Franken and His Allies Want to Disenfranchise Our Military From Voting

Harry Reid Has Been Stopped — But We Need to Do More

Dear Reader:

The battle between Al Franken — the angry, liberal comedian — and Republican Sen. Norm Coleman for the U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota is not about just one vote in the Congress.

It is about the rule of law.

It is about President Barack Obama getting another liberal senator to rubberstamp future radical legislation.

It is about the future of the Republican Party and our two-party system. If the Democrats succeed in stealing this Senate seat we will be one step closer to one-party rule in the United States.

This is why the Democrats have been so desperate to seat Al Franken.

The Senate Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid was so determined to seat Al Franken as a U.S. senator, he tried to do it without him having an election certificate and before the judicial and recount process was finished in Minnesota.

Reid even tried to seat Al Franken “provisionally” — but there is no legal basis to seat a U.S. senator provisionally.

And that contest is not over.. Reid tried to put his Democratic-controlled Senate above the law.

But thanks to groups like ours, the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) and the help of thousands of Americans like you, we were able to stop Harry Reid’s plan.

In fact, Reid admitted defeat and bowed to public pressure
when he agreed that Democrats “won’t seat Franken prematurely” and “would wait until a Minnesota court case is concluded before attempting to seat Al Franken provisionally.”

This was one victory for us. But make no mistake about it — the war for a fair vote in Minnesota and future elections in this country is not over.

We at the RNLA need your help to continue our fight —
Go Here Now.

Military Voters Have a Right to Vote

Now, Reid and the Democrats are worried that Franken may not be successful in stealing this election.

The RNLA was the first to focus attention on the disenfranchisement of military voters’ ballots and has consistently fought for voting rights for women and men wearing our nation's uniform. And we were right. The Minnesota Election Contest court agreed with the RNLA position on this critical issue.

The George Soros and ACORN-backed Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie’s office attempted to disenfranchise overseas military voters, including those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, for a technical matter over the voting forms they used.

Incredibly, Ritchie’s office relaxed the signature requirements for in person absentee voting — which helped Franken — but then refused to relax these same standards for military voters, including those in forward combat zones.
Al Franken claimed he was running to help our military in Iraq. What a hypocrite. What a sham!

And Franken ally Ritchie even had the chutzpah to, according to one reporter, “well up with tears” when discussing the disenfranchisement of overseas military voters because his hands were tied.

However, the Election Contest Court disagreed with Ritchie and is now reviewing some of these military ballots.

Your generous help to the RNLA has made a huge difference.

Continue to help us today —
Go Here Now.

As we speak, the election contest court is still trying to figure out what they want to do.

At first they were going to review the amount of ballots Coleman’s requested. Then they reduced the number.

We at the RNLA have sought to expose Ritchie’s tactics, which have laid the groundwork for Franken’s effort to snatch this Senate seat from Norm Coleman.

We want to continue our efforts to expose him and Al Franken. Please help us do that —
Go Here Now.

The Democrats’ Real Strategy

Because of Ritchie’s antics and Reid’s desires, the Minnesota Senate election is a mess and some leading newspapers are even calling for a runoff.

It is months after Senator Coleman won on November’s election night.

It has been months since Coleman first asked the Minnesota courts to follow the 7-2 portion of the Supreme Court’s decision on Bush v. Gore to treat all similar ballots equally. This legal principle was backed by liberal Supreme Court Justices David Souter and Stephen Breyer as well as the five conservative and moderate justices.

But as of now Franken, Ritchie, and Reid’s desire to disenfranchise select Republican voters, including those in the military, is helping to keep Franken in an artificial lead.

The important thing to remember is that the Franken effort — whether he wins or loses — is a template Democrats will use for future elections to steal House and Senate seats legitimately won by Republicans.

It is also important to remember that after he lost on election night, Al Franken went to his Hollywood friends and influential people
in New York, such as George Soros, to raise millions to mount a legal challenge.

We at the RNLA don’t have billionaire backers. We rely on hardworking Americans like you to support us.

We need to keep up the public pressure by shining the light on those who are disenfranchised — like our military — for tending, as a group, to vote Republican.

Please help us continue our fight today — Go Here Now.


Michael Thielen Executive Director RNLA

PS. The Democrats in Minnesota fear the Republican National Lawyers Association efforts so much they even filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission to stop us. They know, as does Franken, Ritchie, and Reid, that if the truth comes out and all the legal votes are only counted once, Franken will lose. With your help the RNLA will remain vigilant to ensure it is the legal voters of Minnesota and not the corrupt or incompetent election officials who will determine the next senator. Please help us today. Go Here Now.

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