Saturday, February 14, 2009

The STATE OF ARIZONA celebrates her 97th year during STATEHOOD DAY

Today is Arizona Statehood Day ! The citizens of the great State of Arizona celebrate her 97th year and look forward to a statewide Centennial Celebration in 2012.
We can all renew our love for Arizona by taking some long overdue roadtrips on her scenic highways and backroads. Visit the small towns and residents who have real Arizona stories to tell; the kinds of places and people that have stood the test of time.
Take your wife and children to a spot that your father once took you. Ride horseback, down some mountain trails or through some pines. Tell your children or grandchildren about the Native Americans who lived here long before us. Skip rocks over a quiet pond. Pull off the road and scrape together just a couple of snowballs to show that dad still has an arm.
Stop long enough to watch the sunset.

1 comment:

Tony GOPrano said...

Amen Ghost! Who needs a $850B Porkulus Stimulus Bill to promote our wonderful state. Even the Obamanation is coming here on Tuesday. Arizona is the greatest state in the Nation. Those of us who live & were born here already know that. Long Live Arizona!

Now all you Californians go home...LOL!