Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"TWO-CAN SAM" Crump goes COUP-COUP....and solicits DEM support to OUST and REPLACE AZ House Speaker Kirk Adams

***Politico Mafioso is the only GOP blog in Arizona that is reporting the TRUTH behind this story. Iron-clad sources confirm what has been whispered about in underground
discussion forums over the last 10 days.


Proving that “Two-Can” play the game….last week, Arizona LD-6 Representative Sam Crump (R), tried to pull a fast one on Arizona voters, the members of the Arizona House of Representatives and, specifically, Speaker Kirk Adams (R).

First a little pre-COUP background:

During the last few days of January’s 2009 Arizona State Budget blood-letting, Crump led a band of rebel North/West Valley Republicans (including Jerry Weiers, Judy Burges, Rick Murphy, Steve Montenegro and Carl Seel) and Southern Arizona Border County Republicans (David Stevens, David Gowan and Frank Antenori) who championed the fiscal death of
Arizona’s bio-tech 21st Century Fund.

Calling the Fund “corporate welfare”, "pork", “picking winners & losers”, etc., the Crump Bunch refused to allocate even $1 to the Fund - despite Governor Jan Brewer’s private meeting with some of the freshman dissenters where
she explained the significance of the 21st Century Fund to the future of our State


[ Awkward Sidenote here: During the Governor's woodshed
meeting, Freshman Rep. Carl Seel (R-6) had to use a lifeline and PHONE-A-FRIEND, Pachyderm Coalition member, West Washington lifer and angry GOP blogger Phil Mason, to assist and speak for him while in the Governor’s office. Carl Seel put
Phil Mason on speaker phone rather than pleading ignorance, the jitters or the Fifth. ]

Last Monday, Speaker Kirk Adams verified that he intended to remove Sam Crump as Chair of the House Government Committee. But, just hours after Adams announced that Crump was losing his Chairmanship, Crump had a plan of attack….REVENGE.

Crump launched his attack with the Invasion of the Democrats during Monday evening’s Arizona Bankers Association Salute to the Arizona Legislature at the Phoenix Art Museum.

Wasting no time while attending the lobbying event, Representative Crump went trawling for House Democrats who would willingly participate and help him organize a House Speaker COUP D'ETAT. Sam Crump went gunning for Adams’ jugular and job.

Crump was sure that he could get the support of 2/3 of the
Arizona House members and vote Rep. Kirk Adams OUT as Speaker and replace him with none other than…..SAM CRUMP!! PM sources confirm that within minutes of Crump’s solicitation of a COUP, Adams was immediately alerted to the Turncoat’s

On Tuesday morning, a bullish Crump told the Arizona Capitol Times that “If he (Adams) doesn’t want to rethink it (Crump’s demotion), I’ll have plenty to say about it.” But by Wednesday morning, Speaker Adams stated in a press release that Crump would continue to serve as Chairman of the House Government Committee and that neither legislator would have any further comment on the matter.

So, is it all over? Not hardly. What is most obvious and newsworthy about the Adams-Crump-Science Foundation budget saga is that NONE OF THIS narcissistic grandstanding from Crump and his Bunch is about SFAz being “corporate welfare” or using SFAz funds to save K-12 education.

Sam Crump is on record, several times, saying that schools don’t need any more $$ but instead need….more discipline. Maybe the same is true for the Legislature, Rep. Crump….no more money is necessary….just more discipline. Touche` to Speaker Adams.

Crump’s Coup and egotistical showmanship are indicative of
the larger REVOLT within the ranks of the Arizona Republican Party….The PAChyderm Coalition and Maricopa County Republican Committee against the rest of the Republicans. These two rogue groups share members and share a mission…….Secure the Border and get all of the Illegal Aliens out NOW….in Ronald Reagan’s name, AMEN.

Many of the leaders of these two groups participate in the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, the Border Patriots Alliance, among other Border Militia groups, either in person or through fiscal support.

PHONE-A-FRIEND Rep. Carl Seel is the immediate Past
President of the PAChyderm Coalition and his wife, Jamie, has retained her position as State Secretary, for a second term under new President, Don Goldwater. Peoria Unified School District President, Diane Douglas, is the current PAChyderm Coalition State Membership Chairman. (Crump Coup ally, Rep.
Rick Murphy (R-9), currently serves with Diane Douglas on the PUSD Governing Board.)

The real questions we need to ask NOW are these:

“Who is running the State of Arizona? The elected officials or the PAChyderm Coalition and friends?” The citizens of Arizona DID NOT contract with the PAChyderm Coalition to sanction a COUP of our elected officials.

How far will the Crump Bunch go to institute their subversive agenda?

Are these the kinds of events that will help the Republican Party grow in Arizona?

What will the next POWER-Play be and how & when will it be done?


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