Wednesday, February 18, 2009


20,000+ Americans Sign Petition Demanding Rahm Emanuel Resignation

As details emerge about Rahm Emanuel's apparent violations of congressional ethics rules, and possible failure to disclose roughly $100,000 in taxable income, pressure is mounting for Emanuel to resign his post as White House Chief of Staff.

The conservative political action committee, Our Country Deserves Better PAC (website: has collected over 20,000 signatures on a petition demanding Emanuel's resignation.

"President Obama has a problem with yet another top aide, and he should cut his losses by relieving Mr. Emanuel of his duties," said Sal Russo, Chief Strategist of the Our Country Deserves Better PAC.

"Think about it this way - most Americans would not be able to tell you who the Chief of Staff was for presidents George W. Bush or Bill Clinton. But people know who Rahm Emanuel is because questions keep arising about his ethical lapses.

"First it was his conduct in the Obama senate seat scandal and now this new scandal involving his apparent congressional ethics rule violations and possible tax evasion. The last thing President Obama needs is another White House aide with tax problems, and the last thing America needs is a president distracted by yet another corruption or ethics scandal," Russo concluded.

The "Rahm Emanuel Must Resign" petition can be viewed online here:

The current signature count can be viewed here:


TexasFred said...

I went to sign the petition, they have a FORCED donation, no donation, no signature...

That was when I clicked OFF the page and decided that I will not support this movement, even though I sincerely believe that Rahm Emanuel needs to do...

I refuse to PAY to vote!

Anonymous said...

The donation is NOT forced - it clearly states that your signature was recorded, then asks for the donation.