Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Face Of Their Enemy By BRUCE ASH

When the President Obama & the Democrat leadership in Congress speak about cutting back on our commitments to defend liberty at home and around the world let's not forget who we are fighting. The face of our enemy is as fierce as any we have ever encountered. We cannot afford to let our guard down lest we encounter another 9/11 like attack.

Please read this article that will remind you who we are fighting:

The Obama administration has already begun their planning to depart the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of warfare before final victory has been achieved.

They have held talks over the past several months before the inauguration ( all the while stating in public "there is only one President" ) with representatives from Syria, from Iran and from Al Queda to develop a new status quo. We should all ask if there is a new status quo what will the cost be to US security ?

What cost to the security of our allies ?

Within 48 hours after being sworn in as President over the strong advice of President Bush and the defense and intelligence communities Mr Obama announced the US would close the Guantanamo detention Center. The results of this decision may prove detrimental to not only our security but our judicial system as well.

As Republican activists we must put pressure on the new President and the Democrat Congress. We must advocate for our conservative philosophy to keep America safe from enemies both foreign and domestic.

Our new Republican National leader Michael Steele will have much to say about these issues and many more in the next weeks and months ahead. We must get on the offensive again and not let up until we have re gained governance of the country we all love.

Bruce Ash
Arizona National Committeeman


Tony GOPrano said...

As always Bruce, you hit the 'nail on the Head' with this one. I agree we must stand up on this and other issues.

nowwemustcan'twait said...

you cant believe what you say. you are to smart. what did the last 8 years do? what remarkable gains we made. it is amazing to me how much better of and safer we are,and much more educated the children are. the gold of this country.and imagine if we had "gush it up economics" instead of " trickle down economics" bruce, you are to wise, compasionet ,caring person. energy independence is the key to it all. we must have it to be free. nothing means anything with out it and now. maybe some coffee along the way, and how are you and yous. imiss not seeing your dad. send my best.