Friday, January 16, 2009

John Munger Launches "ImagineArizona" to Invite all Arizonans to Imagine What Arizona Can Be

CONTACT: Shiree Verdone
January 16, 2009
Phone: 602-541-2997

Munger Launches "ImagineArizona" to Invite all Arizonans to Imagine What Arizona Can Be

Political Action Committee seeks statewide roundtable to develop policies that move Arizona forward

TUCSON, Ariz. – Tucson-based business and community leader, former Arizona Republican Party State Chairman and former President of the Arizona Board of Regents, John Munger, announced the formation of "ImagineArizona," an Arizona Political Action Committee. The mission of ImagineArizona is to craft bold yet practical public policy ideas for Arizona based on the fundamental American principles of limited government and the empowerment of free people. ImagineArizona will support the implementation of sound policies for promoting dynamic economic growth to create new jobs and private investment, implementing true reform in Arizona's educational and healthcare systems, rebuilding Arizona's infrastructure, and protecting its natural resources.

"ImagineArizona will challenge each of us to imagine what Arizona can be if we promote creative and sound ideas rather than just the
previous worn out partisan positions," said Munger. "We must offer Arizona positive solutions, not merely 'kill' ideas of others. We must offer innovative and common-sense solutions to the big issues Arizona faces, not merely speak in platitudes or "tweak" problems around the edges--which only passes on problems to the next generation of Arizonans."

Munger outlined the primary challenges and solutions that ImagineArizona will tackle:

· Making Arizona the country's capital of new business investment and job creation so that Arizona can grow its way out of this recession, families can thrive, and our children will be able to stay and work right here in Arizona.

· Investing in our children, and especially lower-income kids, including the creation of a first-class traditional K-12 education system, strengthening charter schools, offering vouchers to children in substandard schools, building a thriving vocational school system, and turning our post-secondary colleges and universities into world class teaching and research institutions.

· Promoting creative and environmentally-sound solutions to our transportation and water infrastructure problems

· Advancing serious health care reform that genuinely and efficiently extends care to everyone at a reasonable cost and without bankrupting our State or destroying our health care providers.

· Breaking the straightjacket of structural budget deficits and budgetary inflexibility that has hampered good government in Arizona.

· Protecting and preserving Arizona's natural resources in the face of what will likely continue to be fast-paced growth.

ImagineArizona has been warmly welcomed by political and business leaders across the state such as U.S. Senator John McCain, Paradise Valley Mayor Vernon Parker, business executive Edward N. Basha III, and current and former Republican National Committeemen Bruce Ash and Mike Hellon.

"ImagineArizona has taken on the important leadership
role of offering new and practical ideas for making Arizona the nation's leader in quality of life and good government," said McCain.

Paradise Valley Mayor Parker added, "Imagination is the first step in building a strong future. John Munger brings a breadth of experience and a solutions-based vision for Arizona that is welcome during these challenging times."

Edward N. Basha III of the statewide Bashas' grocery
chain noted, "In my discussions with John Munger, I have been impressed with his understanding that education and infrastructure are investments—not expenditures—that benefit not just the business community, but all Arizona."

"ImagineArizona represents the kind of creative, and issues-based thinking that is needed in moving both the Republican Party, and Arizona generally, into the future with confidence and success" said Mike Hellon, Former Arizona State Republican Chairman and National Committeeman. "This is exactly what we need to be doing, and I congratulate ImagineArizona on this bold initiative."

Arizona Republican National Committeeman, Bruce Ash,
added, "ImagineArizona begins to lay the groundwork and a path for a brighter future for all Arizonans. Everyone is interested in creating a dialogue where people and ideas come together. What John Munger has set out to do is challenging but necessary for our success."

For more information on participating, supporting or tracking the issues tackled by ImagineArizona, please visit

For more information or to schedule an interview with John Munger, please contact Shiree Verdone at 602-541-2997.

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About Imagine Arizona
Founded by John Munger, ImagineArizona is a political action a committee organized to craft bold yet practical policy ideas based on the fundamental American pillars of freedom that are built on the foundation of limited government, dynamic economic growth, and the empowerment of free people through the sound policies for education, natural resources and state infrastructure. For more information please visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rock on!Finally some serious leadership inAZ