By John Ingold and Christopher N. Osher The Denver Post
09/06/2008 06:37:11 PM MDT
COLORADO SPRINGS — In just the second day of campaigning together, Republican Presidential nominee John McCain and his running mate, Sarah Palin, gave a command performance of their convention week speeches to a crowd of more than 10,000 here.
McCain and Palin hit popular notes from their big-stage speeches by promising to rein in government spending, lead America to energy independence and win the war in Iraq.
"I've never done anything like this before," said Tom Strawser, who wore a cowboy hat adorned with little American flags. "Nothing."
The crowd seemed made up of both veterans of political rallies and first-timers. Patricia Strawser said she worked for Democrat Al Gore's campaign in 2000. Tom Strawser said McCain's pick of Palin, the quick-witted, charismatic and conservative Alaska governor, made all the difference.
"Sincerity," Tom Strawser summed it up. "She's very authentic. I've
never been inspired by anyone else like this except Bobby Kennedy."
"It has energized the base," added Patricia Strawser, a naturalized citizen from Colombia who said she became a Republican because she feels it's the party of moral values. "And it shows how bright John McCain is. He knows how the game is played. It is game on now."
Indeed people in the crowd said Palin has brought an enthusiasm level to the McCain campaign that now rivals that of Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama's famously devoted supporters.
"Military moms means what they say," Cathi Judy, 52, of Penrose, whose husband is serving in the Army in Iraq and who has two children serving in the military, said in reference to Palin and her son, who is also in the military.
Radio show host Dan Caplis stirred up the crowd by pointing out several Republican women who hold elected office in the state.
"It just seems funny to hear Barack Obama say that he's for equal opportunity for women," Caplis said. "Tell that to Hillary Clinton."
He then led the crowd in chants of "Palin power!"
Sitting high up in the bleachers adjacent to the stage, Lorena Mitchell said she thought McCain would have gotten a rousing reception in Colorado Springs regardless of whom he chose as his running mate.
"This is typical El Paso County," said Mitchell, a Colorado Springs resident who is a lifelong Republican and has served as a party precinct chair for several years. She said she has attended rallies for five presidents and several presidential candidates but has never seen McCain speak in person.
"I thought, 'Gosh, if he's this close, I ought to come see him and show people I support him,' " she said.
But sitting down in the crowd, Mitchell's brother, George Mitchell, said he wasn't so sure. Mitchell, a Democrat, said he came with his sister and his girlfriend, who is also a Republican. He held a sign reading "Maverick" over his head, but he said that was to block the intense morning sun.
"I'm still undecided," he said. "I came here to see what he looks like. Obama scares me, too."
And, as for Palin, he was equally skeptical.
"I have nothing against hockey moms, don't get me wrong," he said, invoking Palin's oft-quoted self characterization. "But c'mon, you've got to have a little more experience than that."
Lorena Mitchell chuckled at her brother's skepticism.
"I think this will change his mind," she said.
More than 10,000 people showed up for the John McCain rally in Colorado Springs on Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008. (RJ Sangosti, The Denver Post)
I was at the rally in question, and no doubt about it Colorado Springs is DEFINITELY McCain country! I posted a few thoughts at
Great Job AF Blue! You folks in Colorado are sure are McCainiac's! Your posting on your Blog was excellent. I urge all my readers to go to your Blog and read it! Thanks for visiting us! GO MCCAIN-PALIN 2008!
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