A small but vocal group of 'Political Opportunists' are attempting to defeat John McCain supporters in the Legislative District elections for State Committeeman.
The May 10th Meeting in Mesa, AZ will elect 24 delegates to the GOP National Convention to be held in Minneapolis, MN in September.
In Minnesota earlier this week, some Ron Paul Bots 'hijacked' the elections. Why? That is the question.
The biggest 'excuse' that I am hearing here is that "John McCain will not uphold the Republican Platform". Hogwash! Here are but a few examples of articles on this subject:
McCain won’t change pro-life, marriage planks in GOP
Catholic News Agency
Santa Anna Pueblo, Apr 4, 2008
Advisers to Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency, have denied rumors that the senator will try to “soften” the Republican party platform on abortion and same-sex marriage, the Washington Times reports.
Advisers to Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee for the presidency, have denied rumors that the senator will try to “soften” the Republican party platform on abortion and same-sex marriage, the Washington Times reports.
McCain associates told the Washington Times that his allies are not working behind the scenes to remove party planks calling for constitutional bans on abortion and homosexual marriage before the GOP convention in September.
By Ralph Z. Hallow
The Washington Times
April 2, 2008
Advisers to Sen. John McCain's presidential bid say he will not try to "soften" the Republican party's platform on abortion and same-sex marriage to appeal to more voters.
McCain associates told The Washington Times that his operatives are not going to work behind the scenes to eliminate the party's calls for constitutional bans on abortion and homosexual marriage before the GOP convention in September.
These are just two of the many articles on this issue. Sen. McCain also spoke on this during one of the many Blogger calls he has with us. "The Republican Party Platform will NOT be changed ", said McCain during one of the conference calls last month.
But this is not the real reason these people are doing this. They want to cause a 'stir' at the National Convention, live on TV.
I am sure that the Minneapolis Visitors Bureau will love the people coming to the Convention to spend their money. It will cost approximately $3,000.00 per person to attend (from AZ: airfare, hotel, food & entertainment).
They will be wasting their money. If they think they will be seated at the Convention, they are sadly mistaken. National Political Conventions are well scripted today; every second is timed and planned because of TV coverage. Think you're going to get the 'microphone' and say some anti-John McCain statements? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
John McCain IS the Republican Nominee for President in 2008! He won the Primaries; America has spoken. They have OVERWEALMINLY voted for him to be our nominee. John McCain WILL BE the 44th President of the United States of America!
Most Republicans are coming on-board the McCain Express. More & more everyday are joining his campaign. Join the team today!
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