February 14, 2008
America was once prosperous in every conceivable way. Now, not only are we on the fast track to a serious financial downfall, but our morals have slid as well. Arrogance has tarnished a once great country. Complacency has dulled us into thinking that we will continue to be a dominant force in the world.Morals are quickly disintegrating. The horrible spirit of pride has taken root.
There is an attitude in our country that "It's all about me, and what's in it for me?" And, "how can I amass more and more money, no matter how I get it?"
We worship money instead of the Creator who enables us through our talents to acquire money. We do not think about what we are doing, if it is wrong or right.
We claim to be a Christian nation, but we sure don't act like it. We aren't following Jesus' example of humility. The reason that evil flourishes in today's society is because the Christian church is not in touch with the Lord as we should, allowing God to work through us. There is a hurting world out there, what are you doing to bless others?
Are you acting selfishly instead?
Stepping on someone else to exalt yourself is NOT the way of a Christian (or any other humble human being). Are you lusting for fame? Are you lusting to get ahead at the expense of others?
The focus in everything that we do should be on Jesus and not ourselves. We are only the vessels the Lord Jesus uses to accomplish His work here on earth. When we humble ourselves in every facet of our lives, God will exalt us.
Humble. That is the way I once remembered the US to be, and we prospered. But currently, I believe we are flirting with danger when we think we have achieved #1 status in the world by ourselves and we continue to be influenced by secular and dark forces.
In the world of politics, it is imperative that we as American citizens elect someone who will remember the traditions our Forefathers shed their blood over, and not allow secular forces to inch their way (ever so slick) into every facet of our lives to change it. We will be held accountable and will reap a whirlwind when we don't elect honest and reputable politicians to represent us. The people we put in office are a reflection of us.
When we allow slick, corrupt politicians and brash leaders to amass power and remain in office to wreak havoc, what does that say about ourselves?
Christians are falling for suave, smooth rhetoric that politicians are throwing out because they are not letting the Lord Jesus guide them. Their eyes are not opened. Appearances are not what they seem. A politician can be as slick as a serpent and sound very convincing. But if a Christian has a solid relationship with the Lord Jesus, he/she can see through the ruse.
I often hear the term "enlightened" thrown around...that our society is more enlightened than ever before. Are we enlightened, really?! Because we do not seem to be aware of the danger as we slide away from the Christian faith and walk.
Being a Christian is MORE than saying you are and believing in Jesus Christ. It is a CONTINUAL, PERSONAL walk with the Lord Jesus. A positive change has to occur within the individual.This nation is at a serious crossroads. And it will be a sad day when the citizens of the US wake up and realize that it may just be too late to recover.
The only way I see a recovery for the US is for Jesus Christ Himself to intervene. The United States needs the Lord Jesus. Will we be humble enough to reach out to Him? In order to regain our greatness, we must humble ourselves before God Almighty.
Felicia Benamon is a conservative columnist who writes from a political perspective, but occasionally deviates to write about other concerns facing her country. A patriotic American, Felicia hopes to motivate others to be more conscious of the current state of affairs in America, and to hold true to the wonderful traditions that make America great.Felicia comes from a military background and is proud to support the men and women who put their lives on the line daily to protect American citizens and who reach out to help those in need across the globe.
© Copyright 2008 by Felicia Benamon
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