New Hampshire Victory!
The New Hampshire primary was an exciting win for John McCain and the energy and excitement of voters continues on the campaign trail. Thank you to the incredible New Hampshire staff and volunteers from across the country who helped to make it all possible. We appreciate your continued support this past year that certainly contributed to this victory.

The momentum continues as we move on to Michigan and South Carolina. John McCain won the Michigan primary in 2000, and eight years later we believe he's in a strong position to do it again. We know that when voters hear John McCain, they respond. We're also continuing to build on our strong team in South Carolina where we have an enthusiastic base of support in this important early primary. Our veterans coalition has been integral in South Carolina, helping to communicate John McCain's message victory over radical Islamic extremism. While some of our opponents are focusing exclusively on one state, we believe John McCain is prepared to have strong performances in both contests. Go to this link for the latest polling updates in the early primary states.
The Best Candidate to Take on the Democrats
John McCain continues to be the most electable candidate in general election match-ups and the Democrats know it. The Democratic National party recently launched an attack against John McCain because they know that he is the only candidate who can beat the Democrats in November. Click here to help us combat these attacks and ensure that voters know the truth about John McCain. For more information on why John McCain is the best candidate to lead our country on day one, click here.

On the Airwaves
As we approach the Michigan and South Carolina primaries, we launched a new television ad in Michigan and a new radio ad in Michigan and South Carolina.

Latest News & Endorsements
With John McCain's win in New Hampshire, our momentum is growing each day as we approach the Michigan and South Carolina primaries. Voters and the media truly believe, "The Mac is Back!" For more of the latest news, go to www.JohnMcCain.com. Also be sure to read John McCain and Joe Lieberman's editorial in the Wall Street Journal, "The Surge Worked."
News from New Hampshire
National Review: "McCain: The Man Who Came Back From the Dead"
Wall Street Journal editorial: "McCain's Mojo"
Washington Post: "McCain Works Like A Charm"
Union Leader editorial: "Mac's Comeback: A Tale For The Ages"
Washington Post: "Granite State Grit"
Michigan and Beyond
The State (SC): John McCain Clearly The Best In GOP Primary
Tampa Tribune (FL) editorial: "McCain Is Our Man"
The Grand Rapids Press (MI) : "McCain Rides N.H. Momentum Into Grand Rapids"
The State (SC): "Mac's Extraordinary Comeback"
The Sun News (SC): "McCain Wins Voters With War, Health Policies"
Washington Times: "Heavy Hitters From Reagan Era Back Senator"
For more information, log on to www.JohnMcCain.com and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends and fellow John McCain supporters.
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