January 19, 2008
One day before South Carolina's critical test of Republican candidates, U.S. Sen. John McCain touted his experience and commitment to conservative governance before an enthusiastic crowd of Myrtle Beach supporters.
"I've been involved in every majorMcCain said Friday at the Pepper Geddings Recreation Center.
national-security challenge in the last 20 years,"
The Arizona senator, who in most polls after his New Hampshire win has held a short lead over former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in South Carolina's Republican primary, dwelled more on his foreign-policy and fiscal-governance strengths here than the family values he has espoused in other S.C. stops.
On Iraq, McCain touted a Friday morning headline about increased security in Baghdad as evidence that the surge in troops he endorsed is working. He also promised to continue the war on terrorism.
McCain said.
"If I have to fall into the gates
of hell, I will get Osama bin Laden,"
Amid reports of increased unemployment, falling markets and other signs of a faltering economy, McCain said a recession is not inevitable. Responsible governance, he said, can help the economy right itself.
"We cut taxes, but we also requiredMcCain said of his time in the Reagan era, then contrasted it with the current Congress.
cuts in spending,"
"We cut taxes, but we let spending get
out of control, and we mortgaged your kids' future."
McCain also showered praise on high-profile S.C. supporters such as U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham and Speaker of the S.C. House Bobby Harrell, especially for the pro-business climate he said they have created in South Carolina.
"It's the kind of Republican principles that, frankly, we've lost sight of in the nation's capital," McCain said.
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