In New Hampshire, our latest ad, Endorsed, is airing across the state. John McCain's newspaper endorsement list continues to grow, and this ad highlights the latest support for the campaign. Click here to watch the ad. Also be sure to watch our new web video Momentum to get a glimpse into life on the campaign trail in the final weeks before the primaries.
Please remember to sign up to help make phone calls. Even if you do not live in an early primary state, you can still make a huge difference in the final stretch of the campaign. Go to PhoneCalls.JohnMcCain.com and start making calls today!

Opponent Attacks
Yesterday morning on Fox News, John McCain answered questions about Mitt Romney's negative attacks in New Hampshire.
John McCain said,
"If there's any doubt that we're doing well, it's when(Fox News' "Fox and Friends," 12/28/07).
Mitt Romney starts attacking. He's attacking Huckabee out here in Iowa. I'm
familiar with tailspins and I think he's in one. ... I don't know how to respond
to a lot of his charges because tomorrow he may have a different position. ...
[Governor Romney has changed positions] on every issue, it's a matter of record.
And I haven't changed."
Click here to watch the video of John McCain's interview this morning.

Become a McCain Ace!
With a donation of $25 dollars or more, you will become a "McCain Ace" and your name will be permanently featured on our website's "McCain Aces" board. This wall of recognition will be a record of your support for John McCain. It takes courage to stand with the right presidential candidate through thick and thin, and we want to recognize your efforts and commitment.

Latest News
Boston Herald: Choice Is Clear: McCain's The One - "There are times in this nation's history so perilous that they cry out for a steady, experienced leader, a person so trusted that we would put the fate of this country in his hands. This is one of those times, and Sen. John McCain is that person."
New York Sun: The McCain Surge - "As the Republican presidential candidates round the final bend that old warhorse John McCain is coming up fast through the crowded field."
Boston Herald: McCain: 'Comeback' Has That Old Feeling
Union Leader: 'Straight Talk Express' Picks Up Speed
Chicago Tribune's Swamp Blog: For McCain, Another Day, Another Big Endorsement
Boston Globe: McCain Closing Gap With Romney
Union Leader: Kill The Pork! Elect The Guy With The Knife
Boston Globe: McCain's Town Hall Events Hit Home In N.H.
Baltimore Sun: McCain Could Win New Hampshire
Boston Globe: No Ordinary Candidate
The Cabinet (NH): The Primary
Union Leader: John McCain: U.S. Needs Comprehensive, Free-Market Health Care Reform
New York Post: McComeback Kid
To see the latest newspapers to endorse John McCain, click here.

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