Mani (Mainstream): Modi, I keep hearing rumors about more reformers. I thought that reforming the religion was a thing of the past. So many people have been killed for even bringing the subject up, I had to look around to see who was in earshot before I spoke of it.
Modi (Moderate): You are right to do that. There are those whose only contribution to Islam is a sharp tongue and a sharp knife; they are ready to pounce on anything that does not literally agree with what they believe is the only truth.
Radi (Radical): Modi, you and Mani should know there is only one truth, and it is written in al-Kitab (the Qur’an). It is the literal word of Allah. Anyone who defies or seeks to change one word of His exact truth should be killed.
Modi: Is that to teach him a lesson, Radi? When does he know he has learned something? Why should the old beards kill anyone for suggesting change or at least discussing it? Are they afraid that someone may find some way to end their totalitarian power? Isn't it OUR religion, not THEIR religion?
Radi: Infidel, it is to teach everyone a lesson. The lesson is simply a reminder that you are not dealing with an earthly person; you are dealing with Allah.
Modi: Then we should all wait until judgment day to decide the matter. However, we are dealing with words on paper that were collected and written by people well after the fact. To be sure, we are talking about how a few people are interpreting those words.
Radi: We have the word of our Prophet (pbuh) that the words of Allah were revealed to him over a twenty-two year period.
Modi: What you say is not in dispute. We all love Muhammad (pbuh) and have the utmost respect for what he has done for Arabs and our religion. We love the Qur’an for what it is. What I am saying is that any wise person would not change a word because al-Kitab is very important to us just the way it is.
Mani: Then what kind of change would you advocate?
Modi: I would think that a modern imam would cherish the Qur’an but would create another document based on the Qur'an, one that totally agrees with al-Kitab but in its analysis does not attribute seventh-century historical characters and groups, including those identified as Meccan polytheists and Yathrib/Medina Jews, to any group or nation today. As our Most Beloved pardoned and made peace with the people of Mecca, so should we make peace with humanity in general today.
Modi (Moderate): You are right to do that. There are those whose only contribution to Islam is a sharp tongue and a sharp knife; they are ready to pounce on anything that does not literally agree with what they believe is the only truth.
Radi (Radical): Modi, you and Mani should know there is only one truth, and it is written in al-Kitab (the Qur’an). It is the literal word of Allah. Anyone who defies or seeks to change one word of His exact truth should be killed.
Modi: Is that to teach him a lesson, Radi? When does he know he has learned something? Why should the old beards kill anyone for suggesting change or at least discussing it? Are they afraid that someone may find some way to end their totalitarian power? Isn't it OUR religion, not THEIR religion?
Radi: Infidel, it is to teach everyone a lesson. The lesson is simply a reminder that you are not dealing with an earthly person; you are dealing with Allah.
Modi: Then we should all wait until judgment day to decide the matter. However, we are dealing with words on paper that were collected and written by people well after the fact. To be sure, we are talking about how a few people are interpreting those words.
Radi: We have the word of our Prophet (pbuh) that the words of Allah were revealed to him over a twenty-two year period.
Modi: What you say is not in dispute. We all love Muhammad (pbuh) and have the utmost respect for what he has done for Arabs and our religion. We love the Qur’an for what it is. What I am saying is that any wise person would not change a word because al-Kitab is very important to us just the way it is.
Mani: Then what kind of change would you advocate?
Modi: I would think that a modern imam would cherish the Qur’an but would create another document based on the Qur'an, one that totally agrees with al-Kitab but in its analysis does not attribute seventh-century historical characters and groups, including those identified as Meccan polytheists and Yathrib/Medina Jews, to any group or nation today. As our Most Beloved pardoned and made peace with the people of Mecca, so should we make peace with humanity in general today.
Mani: That is a wonderful thought, Modi. That would keep our most cherished documents safe, secure, and honored, as is their right. It also provides for rethinking our temporal policies toward the rest of the world in accordance with how they treat us now.
Modi: We also need an internal policy that eliminates from the capital crime listing such activities as (a) Changing one’s religion, (b) Disobeying parents in the matter of marriage, (c) Immorality in general but retaining other strict penalties, (d) Blasphemy. I could probably think of others if given time. Remember, some of these are not completely a matter of religion but a matter of tradition. We can create a new and better culture without touching our religion.
Mani: I would say that it would be important to create a law that prevents people from taking capital punishment into their own hands. Our society is growing by leaps and bounds. We must leave law enforcement to law-enforcement officials and the courts.
Modi: That is a good one, Mani. And perhaps do something to make everyone equal, men, women, and non-Muslims, in our courts.
Modi: That is fine, Radi, you do that. But before you go, let me tell you this. We are here in the street, talking about what an imam could be thinking about. Remember, we said that our basic documents, especially the Qur’an, would remain unchanged and honored as it is today. What are you going to tell the imam?
Radi: I will say you are reformers. That is all I need to say. They will come after you and lop off both heads before you can say another word.
Mani: They will not ask us if your charge against us is true? It is not, of course
Radi: Of course not. Why should they? All they need to hear is the word "reformer," and your goose is cooked. They are not going to wait for any conversation.
Modi: Don’t you see how that endangers you, Radi? You are in a very vulnerable spot.
Radi: (Frowns and looks worried) How would that ever concern me? I am a pure Salafist and love my religion.
Mani: How many people have a grudge against you, Radi?
Modi: Yes. You told us that you have lopped off many a head, but the relatives could not exact retaliation because of a technical righteousness on your part.
Radi: That is right. They sinned, and I lopped.
Modi: How long will it take for at least one of those many relatives to get the idea that all they need to do is accuse you of something, just to retaliate?
Radi: Why would anyone believe that? Everyone knows I am the righteous arm of Allah.
Mani: You told us if you called us reformers, they would not give us a chance to defend ourselves; they would simply kill us because someone said we were reformers.
Radi. Yes, So? Uh...oh. I see what you mean.
Modi: Aha! Things do not look so rosy the way they are. Do they?
Mani: You have a married sister, Radi. Suppose her daughter, your niece (whom you dote on so much), were to say to her father that she could not stand the ugly kid he picked out for her—and you thought the choice was deplorable—and your brother-in-law, whom you never liked, decides to stone her. What would you do?
Radi: That is not fair. You are talking about someone dear to me and bringing up a situation I could do nothing about; it is righteous on his part.
Modi: You would not try to stop him from killing his daughter?
Modi: Well, Mani, if that is the way he thinks, he has gotten too dangerous for us.
Mani: Yep. Let’s swing by the imam’s house and swear out a complaint that Radi is a reformer.
Radi: What? You can’t do that. That is not right.
Mani: So what? There are many things that are not right here. What is only one more.
Radi: I will remind them that I am the righteous one!
Mani: They won’t bother to ask.
Modi: I think Radi is worried.
Mani: But is he learning anything?
Radi: What are you scheming now?
Modi: We have decided to go through with it, but first there is prayer and then lunch—and you are buying, by the way—and I hope that we can remember to see the imam after all that.
Radi: I smell a rat.
Mani: I bet it is a strong odor.
Modi: Yeah, Radi, time for your ghusl (full body bath).
Radi: I will not get mad. I will not get mad. I will not... (grits his teeth and gives chase).
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