Friday, September 21, 2007

The McCain Update - September 21, 2007

John McCain began this week on NBC's "Meet The Press," discussing his support for the Iraq troop surge, vowing to continue fighting Islamic extremists in Iraq.

He returned to South Carolina to continue the "No Surrender" tour, culminating Monday in Charleston at a standing room only 1,000 member rally at The Citadel. On Tuesday, John McCain returned to Washington to lead the fight against efforts by congressional Democrats to set a deadline for withdrawal from Iraq.

This morning, he addressed a meeting of the National Rifle Association in Washington, DC. During his speech, John McCain was interrupted by anti-War protestors; take a look at how he decided to respond to them by clicking here.

This weekend, John McCain will head to the early primary state of Michigan for the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference to speak before thousands of Republican activists. Next week he will be traveling throughout New Hampshire for a series of house parties and town hall meetings.

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Weekly Must Reads

The Associated Press: McCain To Criticize Giuliani On Guns
The Orangeburg Times And Democrat: McCain Gets Credit For Consistency
The Arizona Republic: At Tour's End, McCain Is On The Rise
Aiken Standard: McCain Rallies For 'No Surrender'
CNN: Democrats Should Stand Up To
Greenville News: Leaving Iraq Would Lead To Chaos, McCain Says

"McCain from day one of his presidential campaign has been saying we can win this war when it seemed impossible, and now that victory seems possible, others are jumping on the bandwagon saying, 'me too.' He's the leader, they're the followers."

- Pastor John Hagee (Watch Pastor Hagee's speech online)

John McCain's "No Surrender" Tour

John McCain spent the last week traveling across the country to discuss his message of support for General Petraeus and the troop surge in Iraq under the banner "No Surrender." He went to Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina to rally support for our troops and their mission in Iraq. To see videos and pictures from the tour, visit our website.

The Arizona Republic: "Approximately 1,000 People Gathered at the Citadel." "'We are trying to say to the American people, 'We understand your sorrow, we understand your frustration,' McCain told approximately 1,000 people gathered at the Citadel. 'We know that, for a long time, this war was mismanaged, and we know that an enormous sacrifice has already been made. ... But we know also that the region will deteriorate into chaos and genocide if we leave.'"

The Anderson Independent-Mail: McCain Met With "Cheers And Outstretched Hands." "It was standing room only ... Sunday inside the Anderson Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Post ... as a crowd, largely made up of veterans and their families, ate barbecue and waited for Sen. McCain to arrive. At approximately 4:30 p.m., he made his entrance to cheers and outstretched hands."

What They Are Saying

The Augusta Chronicle Reports On Aiken, SC's Neal And Lucy Dillon's "Heartfelt" Response To The Senator's Message. "If Republican candidate John McCain ascends to the presidency ... it will be heartfelt believers such as Neal and Lucy Dillon who get him there. The Aiken couple lost their son, Marine Cpl. Matthew Dillon, to an improvised explosive device in Iraq on Dec. 11. Although Mr. Dillon's eyes were tear-rimmed when he spoke in favor of Mr. McCain ... his voice was determined.' Don't leave here and say, "We had a nice breakfast and got to meet John McCain,' he pleaded ... 'You need to leave here and work for him. John McCain is the only candidate, Republican or Democrat, that knows the sadness of sacrifice.'"

McClatchy Newspapers Reports On Col. George McKnight, A Vietnam Veteran From Hilton Head Island: "Air Force Col. George McKnight ... shared a cell with McCain for two years in Vietnam where both men were prisoners of war. 'I had a character study on him that lasted for two years,' McKnight said. 'You can fool a guy for a week, but not for two years.'"

The Arizona Republic Reports Gulf War Veteran, Charles Furtado Agrees "We've Got to Finish It." '"I agree with Senator McCain,' said Charles Furtado ... retired Marine who served in the Gulf War and in Iraq. 'It's ugly. People are frustrated, but we've got to finish it. We started it, and we've got to see this thing through.'"

Building Momentum in Recent Polls

In the past month, the campaign has had large gains in the polls, with four national polls giving John McCain a significant bump.

Already, the media is taking notice of the positive gains. Washington Post columnist, David Broder, recently said, "Mr. McCain has found his footing." The Manchester Union-Leader editorialized that, "A comeback begun," and the Arizona Republic wrote, "McCain is on the rise."

Together we must continue to show the media and our opponents that we can win. John McCain is the right man for the job, singularly prepared to lead, and the only one that can beat Hillary Clinton in the fall. With your support, we will ensure that John McCain is our next president.

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