Tuesday, August 21, 2007

'Promoting perverse behavior as normal' - By Felicia Benamon

Felicia Benamon
August 20, 2007
Tearing......tearing at the decent thread that holds our society together! That is the goal of many in our country...to completely usurp the long-held values that good Americans have held for so long. Whether it is promoting perversity in mainstream American culture, or opposing Christians at every turn, secular forces are busy.
Our nation has experienced blessings from God, Jesus Christ for centuries. We've blessed Him in the past. Now, we are severely lacking in that area. What replaces our lack of respect for God, is perverse in every sense. When Christians and good folk drop the ball in society something evil takes the place of our lack of effort.
And believe it or not, communism is manifesting itself in various ways in our nation. It isn't dead folks; it is only taking on a slyer, more "hip" form to fool the public into accepting it today. I've mentioned in an earlier article that there are many people who want to silence Christians. They promote the perverse as normal.
On CNN's Glenn Beck's website, he lists the 1963 Communist Goals. Communists have infiltrated every area of our lives and are active today to make sure their goals are met. ( http://www.glennbeck.com/news/03212002.shtml ).
Numbers 20-31 on the site accurately describes what we are witnessing in regards to our social and moral slide.
Who misses the days of wholesome family entertainment? With today's television lineup, you are exposed most to garbage. And we wonder why our society is messed up. Garbage in, garbage out.
I'm not saying every television program has to be pristine, but standards of decency should be upheld.
For example, CBS is highlighting 2 new shows to debut this fall. One is Moonlight. In a commercial promoting the new show, a vampire who happens to be a private eye, is asked the raunchy question, "Boxers or briefs?" I sat thinking, "how tacky and tasteless can you get?!"
The other CBS fall show is CANE. As I viewed the commercial, I saw much focus put on the violence and internal strife within a Cuban clan, and the conflict between them and their rivals. It left me disgusted that the new shows are dragging in the dirt, so to speak.
And the tawdry new shows aren't exclusive to CBS.
ABC will debut Pushing Daisies, a show which held a screening at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery. The subject matter...a guy possesses the ability to bring people back from the dead for a minute or so by touch to find out who killed them. He touches the person again, they are permanently dead. He is motivated by a private investigator to get the information about each dead person's killer and to collect the reward. A bit of romance is thrown in there to make it slightly sappy.
There is barely anything of substance to look forward to this fall. The shows' themes are decidedly darker, and it's no coincidence that shows are trending this way. Be aware of what you are watching and who you are giving ratings to. In a dark world, the last thing I would want to see on my television is more shows with themes of a dark nature.
Christians should be watchful and alert to what is going on today. Do not become tantalized by the secular devices that try to grab our attention.
"You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world." —
Matthew 5: 13-16 (NIV)
We cannot be "salt and light" when we are consuming anything contrary to light.
Related and Important Reading:1968's Communist Goals (Glenn Beck):http://www.glennbeck.com/news/03212002.shtml

Felicia (Fee) Benamon is a political columnist who writes for various conservative sites including RenewAmerica.us, Michnews.com, Daley-Times Post, Renaissance Women (http://www.rwnetwork.net/ ) , Capitolhillcoffeehouse.com, TheConservativeVoice.com, Mensnewsdaily.com, and other news sites like AmericanChronicle.com. She is a columnist and a reporter for the Mid-South Patriot (www.freewebs.com/midsouth-patriot ) in Memphis, TN. Felicia hails from a military background, and has been politically active since the 2000 elections. She also has been a guest speaker on a variety of conservative internet talk radio shows.
© Copyright 2007 by Felicia Benamon

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