On Tuesday night, he appeared on "The Factor" with Bill O'Reilly on Fox News. He then headed to Colorado for a policy speech at the Aspen Institute. Last night, John McCain appeared on "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart and has also recently been on "Larry King Live" on CNN, "Kudlow & Company" on CNBC and Bloomberg TV to promote his new book, Hard Call. Tonight, be sure to catch John McCain on PBS's Charlie Rose show.
Next week John McCain will give a speech to the National VFW in Kansas City, so be sure to visit http://link.johnmccain.com/?95-2308-342639-21227 for the latest on the campaign progress. And please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends, and fellow John McCain supporters.
"The McCain men have viewed their
American birthright as a pedestal on which to serve; they have that
old-fashioned American trait that is devoid of elitism and aristocracy, that
says you have to put country first and foremost, even above family. The McCains
are in the top tier of America's greatest military families."
- Historian
Douglas Brinkley

A Legacy Of Service
John McCain Comes From A Long Line Of Heroic Leaders Who Have Sacrificed For The Nation...
Read about the McCain family's military tradition in the latest issue of Best Life Magazine "Though his support of Bush's war may be controversial, he holds his views as a member of a family that is defined by sacrifice and whose bloodlines can be traced back to the violent birth of the nation." "John McCain has taught his sons that duty 'is serving a cause greater than you,' honor 'is the ability to do the right thing when nobody else knows,' and 'serving a cause greater than yourself is the most ennobling of all avocations.' And now his sons are men."
Historian Douglas Brinkley: "[The McCain family has] exhibited the kind of instinctive heroism and call to national service that Theodore Roosevelt embraced. The McCain men have viewed their American birthright as a pedestal on which to serve; they have that old-fashioned American trait that is devoid of elitism and aristocracy, that says you have to put country first and foremost, even above family. The McCains are in the top tier of America's greatest military families." Read the full newsletter here...

From The Campaign Trail ...
The Associated Press Reports On An Emotional Moment With The Mother Of A Fallen Soldier. Later Friday, McCain blinked back tears when the mother of a fallen soldier asked him to wear a bracelet in memory of her son. Lynn Savage of Wolfeboro told McCain she wore a silver bracelet during the Vietnam War to support U.S. troops, but now wears a black bracelet with her son's name and picture printed on it.
Cpl. Matthew Stanley, 22, was serving his second tour of duty when he was killed in December. He had been married less than a year. McCain grew visibly emotional when Lynn Savage offered him a bracelet. "I do not have adequate words to describe my emotions when you ask me to wear this bracelet," he said later. "All I can tell you is I will wear this bracelet for as long as it is able to be worn. I will also do everything in my power, everything, at the risk of anything in my future to ensure that your son's sacrifice was not in vain." Savage called his response "wonderful." "I'm a die-hard Democrat, but I think I just changed my mind," she said.
The Associated Press Reports On John McCain's Commitment To Entitlement Reform. John McCain: "It's disgraceful and outrageous that Republicans and Democrats have not sat down together and worked out this Social Security problem. ... A half a century ago there were 16 American workers who supported every retiree, today it is three and soon it will be two. ... Around 2020 you will have more money going out than you have coming in. That's going to be a crucial time. Should we wait until 2020?"
The Senator Still Gets Laughs ...
Best Life Magazine reports "'You know, my son Jack attends the Naval Academy, where he has zero demerits,' McCain says in his even, deadpan delivery. Then after a pause for comic effect, he adds, 'I got so concerned, I had DNA tests run just to make sure he was my son.' The audience roars with laughter because they are in on the joke."
The Aspen Times reports "McCain, who spoke as part of the McCloskey Speaker Series at the institute, displayed a lighter side of his personality throughout his presentation. He cracked one-liners and told short, often self-deprecating jokes. Mothers in Arizona no longer tell their children they can grow up to be president after failed bids by native sons Barry Goldwater, Maurice 'Mo' Udall, Bruce Babbitt and, in 2000, McCain. He also cracked wise about his state's dry condition: 'We have so little water in Arizona that the trees chase the dogs.'"

On The Record
What They're Saying
Voters In Beaufort, SC Respond To The Senator's Straight Talk... South Carolina voters told the The Beaufort Gazette they were impressed with McCain Carl Wedler Of Beaufort: "What you see on TV is nothing like he is in person. ... The media's slanted against certain candidates and want to project them in a negative way." John Wright Of Beaufort: "Some statements were a little harsh, but it was stuff we've got to say. ... And a lot of people don't want to hear the truth."
The Reuters Headline Reads: McCain's Straight Talk Alive And Well "Republican presidential candidate John McCain's ... tough talking on foreign policy is still on track. On a two-day swing through the early voting state of South Carolina, McCain was feisty in answering some skeptical questions from voters ..." Read the full newsletter here...
Did You Know...
John McCain belongs to the Society of the Cincinnati, the nation's oldest military hereditary society, whose first two presidents were George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, and whose membership is made up of descendants of officers of the Revolutionary Army. Only the firstborn son of a member can inherit membership.
The organization's motto captures its mission: "He gave up everything to serve the Republic."
Weekly Must Reads
The Articles You Can't Miss
Best Life: How Do You Send A Son To War?
Newsweek: Meacham On McCain, The Cheerful Warrior
Beaufort Gazette: McCain Criticizes Partisanship, Pork Barrel Spending
The Associated Press: McCain: Social Security Problem Must Be Fixed
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