Later in the week, John McCain traveled to the first in the nation primary state of New Hampshire for Town Halls in Wolfeboro and Merrimack. Through the weekend, John McCain will continue campaigning in New Hampshire with a Town Hall and house party, before heading to South Carolina to meet with voters and grow support for the campaign.
For more information, log on to http://link.johnmccain.com/?95-2181-342639-19172 and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends, and fellow John McCain supporters.
"I think what really resonates with voters is the fact that- MSNBC's Joe Watkins
here's a guy who doesn't change his message to please Americans, he says what he
thinks is the right thing, and sticks by it."
Taking On Wasteful Spending

The Associated Press Reports: "Republican John McCain said Saturday that Congress could share in the blame for the Minnesota bridge collapse because lawmakers diverted billions of dollars in transportation money from road work to pet projects."
Radio Iowa Says "McCain had a strong appearance at a town hall meeting in Ankeny on Saturday morning where he talked passionately ('I'm angry,' he told the audience) about the I35 bridge collapse in Minneapolis and the responsibility Congress bears for diverting transportation funds to 'pork barrel' projects."
John McCain:
"We spent approximately $20 billion of that money on pork barrel, earmarkIn Michigan, John McCain Hosted A "Pig Roast to End Pork Barrel Spending."
projects. ... Maybe if we had done it right, maybe some of that money would have
gone to inspect those bridges and other bridges around the country. Maybe the
200,000 people who cross that bridge every day would have been safer than
spending $233 million of your tax dollars on a bridge in Alaska to an island
with 50 people on it."
The Des Moines Register Headline Reads: "McCain Takes Aim At Earmarks."
The American Spectator Headline Calls This McCain's "Conservative Moment."
Read more here...
Defending Property Rights

All people have a God-given right to be free, and that right is notRead The Rest Of John McCain's Remarks
subject to the whims and interests and authority of another person, government
or culture. And central to our ideals is the sanctity of property rights.
Without private property there can be no freedom, and without freedom there can
be no America." John McCain: "Indeed, the America of the late twentieth and
early twenty-first centuries has witnessed an explosion of government
regulations that have jeopardized private ownership of property, often for
questionable purposes that have little to do with the limited types of public
use envisioned by the framers of our Constitution. Nowhere has this been truer
than in the disastrous decision issued in 2005 by the U.S. Supreme Court in Kelo
v. City of New London. In Kelo, the Supreme Court held that the Constitution
allows governments to transfer land from one private land owner to another in
the name of economic development."
The Hill Headline Reads: "McCain Rails Against Eminent Domain."
Radio Iowa Says "McCain Vows To Uphold Property Rights."
Power Line Blog's Paul Mirengoff: "Property rights is another issue where conservatives can count McCain as a good friend."
Read more here...
On The Record

Iowa Voters Say John McCain Won The ABC Sunday Debate ... Iowa voters told the Des Moines Register "Sen. John McCain of Arizona gained the most in Sunday's debate in terms of voters being comfortable with him as a president." Voter dials showed "McCain picked up the most points, jumping from a cumulative score of 4.3 to 6.6."
Human Events' Jennifer Rubin: "John McCain is best when he talks about national security and his commitment to victory in Iraq. He is a bit dour at times but it is fitting when talking about the high stakes and the huge military as well as political challenge."
Power Line Blog Says "On Iraq, No Better Friend" Than John McCain.
MSNBC's Joe Watkins: "He's got to do what I think John McCain is famous for doing which is not giving up. You know, here's a guy of course who spent time in a prisoner of war camp, he knows what it's like to be an underdog, he knows what it's like to be in a situation that may look hopeless and not lose hope, so he's still going to continue to work hard and get his message out, and I think what really resonates with voters is the fact that here's a guy who doesn't change his message to please Americans, he says what he thinks is the right thing, and sticks by it."
Read more on the record...
Did You Know...
Fast Facts About John McCain
While much has been said about John McCain's plane crash in Vietnam, McCain's first plane crash came while he was in flight school as his plane crashed into Corpus Christi Bay during a practice run, in which he suffered no major injuries.
While in Vietnam, John McCain served on both the Forrestal and Oriskany carriers, which each experienced deck fires.
Weekly Must Reads
The Articles You Can't Miss
Oakland Press: Sen. McCain Rallies Support In Oakland
Greenville News: McCain Tops S.C. Contributions
Cedar Rapids Gazette: McCain Promises Property Protections
New York Sun: McCain Bids for an Issue on Property
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