Everybody remembers Kool Aid when they were kids?
Looks like the 'flavor' of Kool Aid some are drinking has gone sour. The recent "tiff" between Russell Pearce and the Party over the Employer Sanctions initiative may just be the beginning.
Using the Immigration issue to scare people does not unify a political party. Just the opposite. Just ask Don "I am still running for Governor" Goldwater. (see comment #7)
Attacking the two sitting Senators from your state does not foster unity.
These Kool Aid drinkers call themselves the "grassroots" of the Party. Real grassroots volunteers work to elect candidates and register voters. I guess 11% maybe good enough for some, but it's not good enough for a Party trying to hold on to the majority in the State Legislature.
With 15 months until the next election, there is enough time to 'right the ship'. Let's hope that happens. Republicans must be UNITED to win in 2008. The Kool Aid drinkers have to learn this before it's too late.
With Pullen at the helm the ship's name is the Titanic and let's face it, the ship is almost sunk.
another interesting point is that the only State leg to ever be forced out of office due to Clean Elections overspending was a Constantine client...so what does Pullen do? Hire Constantine to over look the state leg & senate races with a majority of them running using Campaign Welfare...
doesn't sound like a strong decision. But, that's Randy.
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