Friday, August 03, 2007


Citizens initiative divides GOP

TR over @ Think Right Arizona has the scoop on the infighting over the Employer Sanctions Bill & possible citizens ballot initiative...


Touchdown said...

That's who was choosen by the AZ GOP to be our standard bearer? 'nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I am a little confused by this post. This is video from back in September, and is not directly related to the current situation. I also don't understand thinkright's comment "That's who was choosen by the AZ GOP to be our standard bearer." Who is he referring to? Those in the video are all legislators (some former).

Tony GOPrano said...

Kyl the video is about the Russell Pearce 'Wetback' contoversy. Read TR's comments on Think Right:


Tony GOPrano said...

Thank You for your comment Kyle, I forgot to thank you earlier for your post!

Touchdown said...

you should add clarification to the post. kyle is right.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the clarification!