Friday, August 03, 2007

John Shadegg & HJS respond to dems vote in House last night...

From: Congressman John Shadegg

Last night I witnessed something I never thought possible on the floor of the U.S. House. Below is the press release I issued about it.


Democrats Abuse Power - Alter Vote Count

WASHINGTON , D.C. - House Democrats last night overruled a clear vote showing that the Republican Motion-to-Recommit on the Agriculture Appropriations bill had passed. Democrats ruled, instead, that the motion failed. With the vote total boards at each end of the House Chamber clearly showing the Republican motion prevailing by a vote of 215 to 213 and the word "FINAL" displayed beside that count, the Democrat Chairman gaveled the vote closed, announcing the Republican motion had failed on a 214 to 214 tie.

"I have been here almost 13 years and I thought I had seen it all, but
tonight's display of corrupt, raw, partisan political power was

said Rep. John Shadegg (AZ-03).

"I honestly didn't think this could happen in America. This is a
sad day for the U.S. House and a tragic day for our nation."

Following a protracted period of chaotic protest and procedural wrangling, Democrats altered the displayed vote total two more times. However, when Democrats refused to acknowledge their abuse of power and accept the passage of the motion, Republicans walked out en masse in protest. "

If my vote doesn't count, what point is there in voting?"

Shadegg said.

"I owe it to my constituents and to this nation to demand integrity and
fairness in the operations of this institution."

--------------------------------------- hjs comments ------------------------------

"Was this the first shot fired across our bow, showing just
how much the Democrats think of Democracy? It is part of their name, but
alas, not part of their game. Trust has been eroding in this country; the
trust of either party. We must have trustworthy, ethical people
representing us, no matter what party--and these people must rise above party to
put America first. Very few of the people for whom we voted and worked
have done and can do that. We should call a special election and get rid
of all the hacks and special interest zombies! "



Sirocco said...

I won't get too up in arms over this until I see some report of it originating someplace other than Shedagg's office.

I actually poked around some - no major outlet had anything up yet. Not WaPo, not the NYT, not CNN, not Fox ... I'd certainly have expected Fox to be all over this.

Tony GOPrano said...

I did see the video clip on Fox News this AM.

Sirocco said...

Coolness. I missed it, so I am checking the news sites.