Friday, August 31, 2007

The Gathering of Eagles and Move America Forward orgs. to meet in D.C. in September - By Felicia Benamon

August 30, 2007
They are at it again...standing in the gap for our military. The Gathering of Eagles group will be in Washington D.C. September 10th through the 15th in a show of patriotic force to coincide with Gen. Patraeus' remarks to the Senate on the war in Iraq.
The Eagles and the pro-America Move America Forward group have set their sights on D.C. to be an uplifting force for the nation... to be an example to the nation that we must continue to support our leaders (no matter what strategy they choose to follow) and our troops in their fight against terrorism.
No matter what one thinks of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, showing the troops that they are loved and supported is of the utmost importance.
The Eagles had an unprecedented amount of people to show in Washington D.C. earlier this year on March 17th with flags waving and spirits high. They are determined to see the same numbers again on Sept. 15th. The Eagles are made up of military, veterans, and ordinary and patriotic Americans who want to show the world they love their country.
Eagles Chairman Capt. Larry Bailey, USN, Ret. mentioned an aggressive but positive agenda that the Eagles have laid out starting September 10, 2007.
Mr. Bailey said the anti-war A.N.S.W.E.R crowd will be in D.C. on that day and the Eagles will hold a counter demonstration. Elected representatives are scheduled to address the crowd. The Eagles will then "disperse and go to the Senate and House offices to tell our leaders to vote the right way."
On the 15th, the Eagles will continue to confront the leftists from A.N.S.W.E.R while the Eagle rally will include a variety of speakers and patriotic music.September 15th is the day the Move America Forward organization plans to arrive in D.C.. Move America Forward is made up of a group of concerned Americans (much like the Eagles) who feel the need to get the word out about the importance of supporting our troops in their defeat of terrorism. They have plans to head out early towards D.C. on September 3rd on a cross-country caravan, as they did earlier this year. The route will be different than the caravan route they took before. Also on the itinerary, Move America Forward will collect cards and well-wishes to be given to troops recovering in military medical centers around America.
And, for a special treat, author and Move America Forward Vice Chairman Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson, USAF, Ret. will be joining M.A.F on the caravan. He will be one of the speakers during the patriotic event.Deborah Johns, Blue Star mom, Marine mom, and Director of Military Relations for Move America Forward said,
"America needs to show a united front not only here in the U.S. but also
to the terrorists and to the world, 'we will stand united until the job is
In typical fashion, anti-war protesters plan to be in D.C. to discredit the job the troops are doing as they protest the war. And at times, their message comes off as brash and negative. The Eagles and Move America Forward are completely positive in their approach to getting attention about their passion
."We will be law abiding, and will encourage the leftists to be law
said Bailey.
Other notable patriotic groups such as Veterans for Freedom will also make a showing in D.C.Move America Forward and the Gathering of Eagles group ask all who love America; please join in on their efforts. They need your support.So America, it's your chance now...let the troops know that you don't take your freedom for granted.
A lot of blood has been shed and lives given so that you can live freely. Return the favor and stand proud with our troops.
*To support the Gathering of Eagles, go to:
*For the Move America Forward caravan routes and other information, go to:
Earlier articles on the Gathering of Eagles:Eagles Ready to Take Flight:
Eagle Eyed Patriots Show Their Pride: pictures from the Move America Forward caravan)

Felicia (Fee) Benamon is a political columnist who writes for various conservative sites including,, Daley-Times Post, Renaissance Women ( ) ,,,, and other news sites like She is a columnist and a reporter for the Mid-South Patriot ( ) in Memphis, TN. Felicia hails from a military background, and has been politically active since the 2000 elections. She also has been a guest speaker on a variety of conservative internet talk radio shows.
© Copyright 2007 by Felicia Benamon

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