Modi (Moderate):
Mani, has Radi wound down yet? He was pretty tight last week.
Mani (Mainstream):
Not really. The American power majority is still attaching the white flag to the rope. It may run up the pole any second now. Perhaps they don’t realize that we listen to and read everything they say and do. Our Most Beloved has said “War is Deceit.” Surely we have deceived the American Congress into believing that they are losing. Hah! I can hardly stand it. How dumb!
We? You are aligning with the radicals?
Well, Modi, we were never very far away. We always wanted to see which way the wind was blowing. Now it seems it is blowing our way. The American Congress does not seem to get the idea that when they tell us how may troops they are sending and what they are obliged to do and what they are restricted from doing, they play right into our hands. We have their playbook.
Radi (Radical):
Hi, guys. Yep, you are right, Mani. The American leaders give us the numbers, the itinerary, and the objectives so that we can get there first. It is better than having a spy in their meetings.
Mani tells me you guys listen and read everything that goes on.
Of course. We have physicians, psychologists, analysts and all kinds of experts digesting and analyzing all of those interviews on CNN, Fox, Headline News, and a few others.
A few others like CBS, NBC, and ABC?
Are you kidding? I don’t even think they know anything about us. If they do, they certainly are not telling anyone.
Mani:What do the experts do after they listen to the CNN and Fox interviews?
They analyze the data to see if the source is okay and knowledgeable, and then determine the information’s value and priority, then send the analyses and recommendations to our own headquarters people.
It must be interesting work.
Most of the time it is, but when Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, or Reid speaks, everyone goes into fits of laughter and we have to watch again to see if we missed anything someone else might have said.
What about that former president, Carter? Isn’t he a friend?
I have never been sure he knows what he is saying. It always seems to sound good as far as we are concerned, but a former president saying those things gives me the willies! I am surprised the Americans haven’t put him away somewhere.
Mani reminded us that it has been written that “War is deceit.” Perhaps the Americans are deceiving you guys with Carter.
Mani:Nobody is that good a deceiver…perhaps I should take that back; his political party is pretty good at it. The GOP is learning though.
Radi:Yes, Modi, war is deceit. Never give up or give in, simply appear to do so, gain strength while the enemy stands down, and then strike again with more force before he is ready. When we fight against Israel, if they want a cease-fire we keep on fighting and redouble our efforts. If they don’t want a cease-fire, we get our guys in the United Nations to give it to us. They are always very obliging.
Yes, Modi, it is like a big football game with all of the referees on our side.
And all the fans too, I see. And most of the announcers.
Now you get it. Allah and the United Nations have an understanding; whatever it is, America is always wrong and we can never lose!
When will they ever learn?
Mani, has Radi wound down yet? He was pretty tight last week.
Mani (Mainstream):
Not really. The American power majority is still attaching the white flag to the rope. It may run up the pole any second now. Perhaps they don’t realize that we listen to and read everything they say and do. Our Most Beloved has said “War is Deceit.” Surely we have deceived the American Congress into believing that they are losing. Hah! I can hardly stand it. How dumb!
We? You are aligning with the radicals?
Well, Modi, we were never very far away. We always wanted to see which way the wind was blowing. Now it seems it is blowing our way. The American Congress does not seem to get the idea that when they tell us how may troops they are sending and what they are obliged to do and what they are restricted from doing, they play right into our hands. We have their playbook.
Radi (Radical):
Hi, guys. Yep, you are right, Mani. The American leaders give us the numbers, the itinerary, and the objectives so that we can get there first. It is better than having a spy in their meetings.
Mani tells me you guys listen and read everything that goes on.
Of course. We have physicians, psychologists, analysts and all kinds of experts digesting and analyzing all of those interviews on CNN, Fox, Headline News, and a few others.
A few others like CBS, NBC, and ABC?
Are you kidding? I don’t even think they know anything about us. If they do, they certainly are not telling anyone.
Mani:What do the experts do after they listen to the CNN and Fox interviews?
They analyze the data to see if the source is okay and knowledgeable, and then determine the information’s value and priority, then send the analyses and recommendations to our own headquarters people.
It must be interesting work.
Most of the time it is, but when Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, or Reid speaks, everyone goes into fits of laughter and we have to watch again to see if we missed anything someone else might have said.
What about that former president, Carter? Isn’t he a friend?
I have never been sure he knows what he is saying. It always seems to sound good as far as we are concerned, but a former president saying those things gives me the willies! I am surprised the Americans haven’t put him away somewhere.
Mani reminded us that it has been written that “War is deceit.” Perhaps the Americans are deceiving you guys with Carter.
Mani:Nobody is that good a deceiver…perhaps I should take that back; his political party is pretty good at it. The GOP is learning though.
Radi:Yes, Modi, war is deceit. Never give up or give in, simply appear to do so, gain strength while the enemy stands down, and then strike again with more force before he is ready. When we fight against Israel, if they want a cease-fire we keep on fighting and redouble our efforts. If they don’t want a cease-fire, we get our guys in the United Nations to give it to us. They are always very obliging.
Yes, Modi, it is like a big football game with all of the referees on our side.
And all the fans too, I see. And most of the announcers.
Now you get it. Allah and the United Nations have an understanding; whatever it is, America is always wrong and we can never lose!
When will they ever learn?
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