Modi (Moderate): I have been looking over our basic documents again and I continually come across the admonishment that there should be no compulsion in religion.[1]
Mani (Mainstream): I remember telling you that the saying only applies to forcing defeated enemies to convert. Of course, it is necessary to have some Dhimmis; the entire Muslim world runs on Dhimmi money. Our religion, as you should know, is based upon absolute belief and obedience of the people. Actions that are not harmful in themselves, but demonstrate disobedience to Allah are considered kufr (disbelief), and must be punished.
Radi (Radical): Mani is right, Modi. When the imams say “arise”, all Muslims all over the world must immediately stand and await the next command. The Imams must not be questioned.
Modi: That does not make sense. The Imams don’t know everything. The imams want this terrorism to be called a “holy war”, but it is not a holy war; it is simply a disagreement among Muslims. Some want the Americans to stay and help rebuild the country and others want them out. There is nothing holy about this war.
Mani: I have to tell you, what you are saying is kufr! You could be cut down just for saying it. The Americans declared war on Islam!
Modi: See, that’s where you are wrong, Mani. They declared was against the government of Saddam Hussein. The American army ran in, defeated Saddam’s armies in no time at all, but some civilians screwed it all up. And, of course, Radi and his friends did not help.
Radi: I will never help the Americans. Why should I? They kill Muslims.
Modi: The Americans kill Muslims who are shooting at them and killing them with roadside bombs—that incidentally kill our people too.
Mani: They are also occupiers who come for our oil! They are here illegally, not sanctioned by the United Nations.
Modi: The Americans want nothing more than to help us get started and then they want to leave. And quite frankly, Mani, tell me how much oil they have taken. And the United Nations? Many of those UN members are still upset because the U.S. shut down their business netting millions in bribe money in the oil-for-food program. Saddam sold our oil under the table for food and medicine. How much food did you see, Mani? How much medicine was purchased?
Radi: Oh yeah! What about Abu Ghraib? What about that?
Modi: You nitwits. Who cares about that. A couple of low-level soldiers made some of our guys look silly! How many mass graves were needed afterwards? None, right? Not a single person was hurt. If Saddam’s mass graves and murders were not outrageous, what is the big deal about a few Muslim fighters wearing dunce caps? Look at what Radi’s friends do with American prisoners? Hah! No answer. They chop them up into little pieces and hang them from a bridge.
Radi: They deserved it!
Modi: Who the hell are you to say they deserved it? They were not soldiers, Radi, they were contractors, plain old everyday workers like you and me. And they were here to make a decent wage while helping us to rebuild. I would bet not one of them ever fired a single round at a Muslim. You know something, Radi, you like the French so much because of that nut Chirac, but if you pull that stuff on French forces in Lebanon and they send in the Foreign Legion, there won’t be any of you left to complain about atrocities. The Legion did not much care about political correctness. I’ll tell you something else, you let the US Marines in to do whatever they have to do without the absurd micromanagement, and you will have to wait for a new army to grow up—the US Marines don’t care for political correctness either. And the British troops, if let go to do the job their way—you will be grass and they are the lawn-mowers.
Mani: Why are you so anti-Islam today? You don’t know what you’re saying!
Modi: I got a little tire of listening to raving and maniacal B/S from you and others about what is going on here and who is going to do what. None of you people want to help, only criticize the Americans. You and the Palestinians both just do not know who your best friends are!
Radi: It is written that we must kill the infidel wherever we find them.[2]
We find many here and we will find more in America! We will kill them all. Their women and children will be our spoils of war. We will own their fancy cars and their nice homes. It is already written.
Modi: There is more written, Radi, than you know about. There is a Golden Rule that says “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Don’t you believe that?
Radi: Let me give this to you straight: if our Most Beloved did not say it, it is not worth listening to or considering. It is trash!
Modi: What about: “Live and let live?”
Mani: It is not Islamic. Anything about social awareness or kindness only applies to other Muslims. Everyone else is destined for the fires of hell and anyone so destined can be ignored, banned, taxed, tortured, raped, or killed without sanctions because they are hated by Allah.[3]
Modi: You two are actually condemning all people that do not happen to be Muslims.
Mani: No, Modi, they condemned themselves. How many times do I have to tell you: Bismillah[4], Our Most Beloved delivered to all mankind the Qur’an whose originator was Allah. The Qur’an cannot be changed or interpreted—or corrupted like other scriptures given to the Jews, so it will be eternal and everyone will know the same ideas and commands from The Most Merciful. It is so easy.
Radi: That is so, Modi. Those who reject the commands of the Qur’an of Allah and the emulation of the perfect life of Our Most Beloved, are kufr and must be eliminated until all of the towns all over the world ring with the glories of only Allah.[5]
Modi: Have you ever considered thinking your own thoughts and not looking at the world according to what was written more than a thousand years ago?
Radi: What? How dare you. That is blasphemy!
Mani: Yes, Modi. If you say things like that and Radi just hauls off and separates your head from you body, I will just watch.
Modi: Great friends you are. All I want you to do is think for yourself and make decisions based on what YOU think is right.
Radi: Why should we. Allah has already made those decisions for us centuries ago. We are Muslims; we obey Allah.
Modi: What if something happened and something went wrong in the translation a thousand years ago?
Mani: That could not happen.
Modi: Why not?
Mani: Allah would not let it.
Modi: Aaaargh! I quit. Let’s go eat or something. How about a pork sandwich?
Mani: Dammit, Radi, kill him. (They give chase, laughing).
Mani (Mainstream): I remember telling you that the saying only applies to forcing defeated enemies to convert. Of course, it is necessary to have some Dhimmis; the entire Muslim world runs on Dhimmi money. Our religion, as you should know, is based upon absolute belief and obedience of the people. Actions that are not harmful in themselves, but demonstrate disobedience to Allah are considered kufr (disbelief), and must be punished.
Radi (Radical): Mani is right, Modi. When the imams say “arise”, all Muslims all over the world must immediately stand and await the next command. The Imams must not be questioned.
Modi: That does not make sense. The Imams don’t know everything. The imams want this terrorism to be called a “holy war”, but it is not a holy war; it is simply a disagreement among Muslims. Some want the Americans to stay and help rebuild the country and others want them out. There is nothing holy about this war.
Mani: I have to tell you, what you are saying is kufr! You could be cut down just for saying it. The Americans declared war on Islam!
Modi: See, that’s where you are wrong, Mani. They declared was against the government of Saddam Hussein. The American army ran in, defeated Saddam’s armies in no time at all, but some civilians screwed it all up. And, of course, Radi and his friends did not help.
Radi: I will never help the Americans. Why should I? They kill Muslims.
Modi: The Americans kill Muslims who are shooting at them and killing them with roadside bombs—that incidentally kill our people too.
Mani: They are also occupiers who come for our oil! They are here illegally, not sanctioned by the United Nations.
Modi: The Americans want nothing more than to help us get started and then they want to leave. And quite frankly, Mani, tell me how much oil they have taken. And the United Nations? Many of those UN members are still upset because the U.S. shut down their business netting millions in bribe money in the oil-for-food program. Saddam sold our oil under the table for food and medicine. How much food did you see, Mani? How much medicine was purchased?
Radi: Oh yeah! What about Abu Ghraib? What about that?
Modi: You nitwits. Who cares about that. A couple of low-level soldiers made some of our guys look silly! How many mass graves were needed afterwards? None, right? Not a single person was hurt. If Saddam’s mass graves and murders were not outrageous, what is the big deal about a few Muslim fighters wearing dunce caps? Look at what Radi’s friends do with American prisoners? Hah! No answer. They chop them up into little pieces and hang them from a bridge.
Radi: They deserved it!
Modi: Who the hell are you to say they deserved it? They were not soldiers, Radi, they were contractors, plain old everyday workers like you and me. And they were here to make a decent wage while helping us to rebuild. I would bet not one of them ever fired a single round at a Muslim. You know something, Radi, you like the French so much because of that nut Chirac, but if you pull that stuff on French forces in Lebanon and they send in the Foreign Legion, there won’t be any of you left to complain about atrocities. The Legion did not much care about political correctness. I’ll tell you something else, you let the US Marines in to do whatever they have to do without the absurd micromanagement, and you will have to wait for a new army to grow up—the US Marines don’t care for political correctness either. And the British troops, if let go to do the job their way—you will be grass and they are the lawn-mowers.
Mani: Why are you so anti-Islam today? You don’t know what you’re saying!
Modi: I got a little tire of listening to raving and maniacal B/S from you and others about what is going on here and who is going to do what. None of you people want to help, only criticize the Americans. You and the Palestinians both just do not know who your best friends are!
Radi: It is written that we must kill the infidel wherever we find them.[2]
We find many here and we will find more in America! We will kill them all. Their women and children will be our spoils of war. We will own their fancy cars and their nice homes. It is already written.
Modi: There is more written, Radi, than you know about. There is a Golden Rule that says “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Don’t you believe that?
Radi: Let me give this to you straight: if our Most Beloved did not say it, it is not worth listening to or considering. It is trash!
Modi: What about: “Live and let live?”
Mani: It is not Islamic. Anything about social awareness or kindness only applies to other Muslims. Everyone else is destined for the fires of hell and anyone so destined can be ignored, banned, taxed, tortured, raped, or killed without sanctions because they are hated by Allah.[3]
Modi: You two are actually condemning all people that do not happen to be Muslims.
Mani: No, Modi, they condemned themselves. How many times do I have to tell you: Bismillah[4], Our Most Beloved delivered to all mankind the Qur’an whose originator was Allah. The Qur’an cannot be changed or interpreted—or corrupted like other scriptures given to the Jews, so it will be eternal and everyone will know the same ideas and commands from The Most Merciful. It is so easy.
Radi: That is so, Modi. Those who reject the commands of the Qur’an of Allah and the emulation of the perfect life of Our Most Beloved, are kufr and must be eliminated until all of the towns all over the world ring with the glories of only Allah.[5]
Modi: Have you ever considered thinking your own thoughts and not looking at the world according to what was written more than a thousand years ago?
Radi: What? How dare you. That is blasphemy!
Mani: Yes, Modi. If you say things like that and Radi just hauls off and separates your head from you body, I will just watch.
Modi: Great friends you are. All I want you to do is think for yourself and make decisions based on what YOU think is right.
Radi: Why should we. Allah has already made those decisions for us centuries ago. We are Muslims; we obey Allah.
Modi: What if something happened and something went wrong in the translation a thousand years ago?
Mani: That could not happen.
Modi: Why not?
Mani: Allah would not let it.
Modi: Aaaargh! I quit. Let’s go eat or something. How about a pork sandwich?
Mani: Dammit, Radi, kill him. (They give chase, laughing).
Excellent work; please keep it coming! I intend to send a link to the President.
The Qur'an references might be more effective if they were linked to the source. On my web site you will find a free URL utility for linking to ayat, ahadith & Tafsir.
Thank you, Ben. I plan to continue the series as long as I can and as long as they guys at Politico Mafioso put up with me. Your idea as to linking to the source is a good one. Do you mean hyperlinking on the text itself or on the references following the text?
I don't want to do anything to interrupt the flow of the text. I should have #12 out Monday. I was thinking of doing 3 or 4 per week; I did not want the readers to get tired of reading it. I need it to continue because the information has to get through somehow. Government and media are not helping. Thanks again. hjs
Harry your a very valuable part of the PM team. We are fortunate to have you Blogging on this subject. You are gaining national attention on your continued discussion on Islam. Well Done!!!
I prefer to include links in my text. Others prefer to put them in footnotes. It is a matter of personal preference and style.
In the Myth vs Fact series, I link the ayat number preceding the text and put links to Tafsir following the text.
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