Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Newest Feature on Politico Mafioso ---- The Magic 8 Ball....

We thought the readers of Politico Mafioso
would enjoy our newest feature:

The Magic 8 Ball
Located on our Side Bar (right hand of the page under the links section), you can ask ANY question and the Magic 8 Ball will answer....
A Sample Question:
Question: are the Sonoran Alliance & the Arizona 8th lapdogs for the State Party?


Framer said...

Your views are your own, and I respect them. I have no problem with anything you write, until you take it upon yourself to draw attention to a blogger's private identity. It is certainly not your place to do that.

If you were to issue an apology to that individual, not on a basis of political disagreement, but as a matter of decency and protocol, I would certainly restore your link.

As far as being a tool for the state party, I would certainly allow my reputation and diverse readership speak for me.



Touchdown said...

pretty funny.
I used the 8 ball and asked if TR is a cool dude and it said "without a doubt". It seems to be right about me, maybe it knows all...

Anonymous said...

wow, this blogger on blogger action is better than chick on chick. You know it's wrong, but you can't stop from watching.

Tony GOPrano said...

Well Trent, those on that Blog publish my real name all the time. I could give a shit about your link.

Framer said...

Fair enough.

Thanks for being a brother.

And yes, If I see Sooran Alliance doing the same, I would encourage them to staighten out as well.

Anonymous said...

Gold Jacket, Green Jacket, who gives a shit?