Saturday, July 14, 2007

The McCain Update - July 13, 2007

After returning from his latest trip to Iraq, Senator McCain went to the floor of the Senate to continue his leadership on ensuring our brave young men and women serving in combat receive the resources they need to defeat America's enemies abroad and win the war against Islamic fundamentalism. Today, Sen. McCain headed to New Hampshire to discuss his vision for recommitting our nation to confront the threat of radical Islamic extremism in Iraq and throughout the world.Next week, Sen. McCain will be back on the Senate floor to lead the effort to help pass key funds giving our troops the support they need to continue our nation's fight.
For more information, log on to and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends, and fellow John McCain supporters

"Defeatism will not buy peace in our time. ... We must recognize that our
enemies are in this fight to win, and so must we be." - John McCain's
Remarks Today In
Concord, NH

Leadership In The War Against Islamic Fundamentalism

John McCain In New Hampshire Today...
John McCain: "My father's generation successfully fought the Second World War. Succeeding American generations successfully fought the Cold War. And, my friends, we will successfully defend ourselves against this new and very dangerous threat." Read more here...

Fighting For Victory In Iraq

John McCain Took To The Senate Floor To Oppose Withdrawal From Iraq John McCain's Message: "If we leave Iraq prematurely, jihadists around the world will interpret the withdrawal as their great victory against our great power. Their movement thrives in an atmosphere of perceived victory; we saw this in the surge of men and money flowing to al Qaeda following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. If they defeat the United States in Iraq, they will believe that anything is possible, that history is on their side, that they really can bring their terrible rule to lands the world over." Read more here...

On The Record

What They're Saying

The National Review says John McCain's leadership in the Senate "No-surrender caucus" places him in the "Senate honor roll." - The National Review, 7/12/07

And Supporters Keep On Lining Up ...
This week John McCain's campaign released its impressive list of Economic Advisers:
Former Assistant Secretary For The Treasury Gerry Parsky:
"There is no greater advocate for reducing government spending and promoting
free enterprise in our economy than Senator McCain. John McCain's respect for
the American economy and the ingenuity that drives its progress makes him an
extraordinary candidate."
Read more on the record...

Did You Know...

Fun Facts About John McCain

John McCain carries an iPod filled with his favorite music: 50's and 60's Rock 'n Roll. John McCain's favorite TV series is "24," and he also watches a good amount of A&E, The Discovery Channel, and The History Channel


Political Realm said...

How can his favorite series be 24? Maybe five or six years ago, but now it's just so ridiculous.

Tony GOPrano said...

Hey PR? What's wrong with 24? We love it. Jack Bauer is da man!!!