Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Al Qaeda cannot be allowed to win" - John McCain

Our Senior Scholar on this subject, HJS, has been talking about this for years. His on-going Series, SERIES ON ISLAM: "THREE FACES EAST" - Part 14 - By HJS , details the Islam problem as well as any commentary I have seen.

Senator John McCain has issued this in a July 13th speech:

"Many Democrats claim this is a
conflict we cannot win. They ignore the consequences of a U.S. defeat at the
hands of al Qaeda -- and some ignore al Qaeda altogether. Just this week, Sens.
Clinton and Byrd wrote an op-ed about the war in Iraq and never once mentioned
al Qaeda or the terrorist presence in Iraq. Foreign jihadists -- al Qaeda
operatives--are responsible for at least 80 percent of the suicide bombings that
are the driving force of sectarian strife. They are in this war to win and we
cannot let them."

“Defeatism will not buy peace in our time. It will only lead to more bloodshed—and to more American casualties in the future. If we choose to lose in Iraq, our enemies will hit us harder in Afghanistan hoping to erode our political will and encourage calls in Western capitals for withdrawal and accommodation with our enemy there as well."

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