Saturday, June 23, 2007

The McCain Update - June 22, 2007

On Wednesday, John McCain stopped in Florida to deliver a major foreign policy address on forging a stronger partnership with our Latin America neighbors to secure our hemisphere from terrorists, narcotraffickers, and leftist dictators like Hugo Chavez. This week, John McCain also delivered the comm encement address at the U.S. Marine Merchant Academy, where he spoke about the importance of public service. Looking ahead to next week, June 30 marks the end of another fundraising period - now is the time for all of us who support John McCain and believe that he is the right leader for these times to invest in his campaign and ensure that he has the resources to do what he does best - meet the voters, hold the town hall meetings, and talk about the big challenges facing our country. For more information, log on to and please be sure to forward this newsletter on to family, friends, and fellow John McCain supporters.

"I will not betray any of my principles for any reason." -John McCain
John McCain Addresses The Florida Association Of Broadcasters

McCain To Strengthen Partnership With Latin American Neighbors
The Palm Beach Post reports, "Sen. John McCain ... said that the United States has missed opportunities to build stronger relations with Central and South America, putting the nation's security and economy at risk. ... Click here to read more

The Associated Press reports John McCain said, "Latin America today is increasingly vital to the fortunes of the United States. ... It is in the United States' national interest that the Cuban people live in freedom. ... As president, ... I will not passively await the long overdue demise of the Castro dictatorship ... Click here to read more

The South Florida Sun Sentinel reports on Senator John McCain being the only presidential candidate to accept an invitation to address the Florida Broadcasters Association... Chairman John Hunt said 'I think he got a terrific reception."Click here to read more

Read more about Senator McCain addressing the Florida Association of Broadcasters...

On The Record

Cindy McCain On Her Role In The Campaign

Cindy McCain: "...I do my job in telling the voters and the people out there just what kind of a man he is, and what kind of a President he would make."Listen to Cindy McCain on WTKS' "The Bill Edwards Show"

Cindy McCain: "[John would] be the best president. Every day in his heart and mind, John lives the code of conduct-duty, honor, country- which I admire. Read more at

Read more on the record...

Did You Know...
Fun Facts About John McCain
The Associated Press reports, "Republican presidential contender Sen. John McCain joked that he was fifth from the bottom of his graduating class at Annapolis in a commencement speech Monday at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy on Long Island. Click here to read more
Supporters Praise Sen. McCain

John McCain: "A Man Of Integrity" Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty: "When he believes in something, he sticks to it and goes after it. I think that's something that people will respect as a character trait. Read more and watch Governor Pawlenty at

Former Secretary Of Homeland Security and former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge: "[T]he most consistent conservative among them all is John McCain"- Read more and watch Governor Ridge's interview at

Distinguished WWII, Korean And Vietnam War veteran Colonel George "Bud" Day: "John is a combat veteran ... You need somebody who has heard a gun go off in anger ... Others who were not as sick as McCain came home early ... They had weak character. McCain, on the other hand, had a very strong will and very strong character." Click here to read more

Former Massachusetts Governor Jane Swift: "I think that John McCain is a man of integrity who has certain positions that he is not willing to change for political expediency. Click here to read more
At the Polls
Recent polls show how fluid the race for the Republican nomination really is. As polls have added Fred Thompson's name to the question they are asking, we've seen the numbers for all the candidates change and shift. This is normal for this early state of the race. What these changes reveal is the truth: it is early and most Republican primary voters have not made up their mind about who they will vote for in 2008.

The Cook/RT strategies report shows Senator McCain in a strong second place position tied with Fred Thompson. Sixteen percent of voters say they would support John McCain if the election were held today. Rudy Giuliani wins 20% of the vote and Fred Thompson wins 15%.
A quick look at all state-by-state polls reveals John McCain is maintaining his strength in the early states.
Read more about recent polling information...

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