By Felicia Benamon
May 15, 2007
Why has the war become a political football? Why do we have leaders in Congress who are determined to push benchmarks on an Iraq withdrawal when clearly our enemies are watching every move the Congress makes? Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's number 2 man recently mocked the bill Congress passed giving a time of withdrawal. In an internet video, he said the bill "reflects American failure and frustration." Why give our enemies the satisfaction of seeing our Congress in opposition against the President as he fights to win the War on Terror? We are surely showing weakness when we include a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.
It's not that hard to reiterate the importance of making sure that our troops have what they need to do their jobs. The $124 billion war funding bill that President Bush vetoed had too much pork attached and a timetable for troops to begin leaving Iraq. The President clearly said he would not sign it. So instead of coming up with a bill that WILL get the President's approval and help the troops, and sensing the urgency to which we need to get funding to the troops, Democrats remain pessimistic on Iraq, continuing to express how fast Iraq is going downhill. In that spirit, there has been "compromise" on both sides; some Republicans are starting to waver. Compromise in this sense isn't good...Republicans are becoming increasingly downcast about the war.
Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN) and Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) introduced a bill that had certain conditions attached...the Iraqi government must get it together or face dwindling support from the US. President Bush said he would be open to a bill with "benchmarks" so in a sense, he is giving in.
While Democrats (and some Republicans) are free to articulate their feelings about a withdrawal from Iraq, they should be mindful of the importance of helping the troops...of getting funding to them quickly, and opt to leave out any conditions for withdrawal or "benchmarks" from the war funding bill.
When looking at the situation in Iraq, in some places, it's understandable to be dismayed with the lack of progress occurring. But our troops are busily trying to curtail the amount of violence...they are rooting out terrorists, and are also trying to rebuild and maintain security in a volatile land. They need to know that our Congress back home will send them the means to be successful and not set conditions that have to be met to be successful. Our troops don't need this type of stress. They have a job to do and they want the Congress to back their efforts.
President Bush is desperate to get funding to the troops to ensure their success, and he has agreed to a compromise just to get the funds. But the President is the Commander in Chief, he hears reports from the ground in Iraq, he knows what the generals need, and what needs to be done. It isn't the job of the Congress to set conditions to a funding bill for our troops. Just get the bill to the President's desk already and fund our troops.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been going head to head with President Bush since she assumed power. Her attitude is that she must make the President responsible to the American people, accountable if you will. But are her actions deemed responsible when she visited Syria in defiance of the White House to hold "talks" with Syria's President? What good did that do other than to cause confusion and contention with the White House?
Pelosi visited Iraq earlier this year and called the situation there "chaotic" and that we must "redeploy our troops." Funny how that description is not what our troops are describing as they work hard for the security of Iraq and Afghanistan. They are not running amuck wondering what to do...thinking all is lost. No, they are still fighting. Still working hard. Shouldn't we support them?
During her visit, Rep. Pelosi said she wanted to visit the troops to "applaud their patriotism, the sacrifice they're willing to make and the courage they're demonstrating." If that is the case, shouldn't she make every effort possible to make sure that our troops do not sacrifice in vain...by "having their back?"
Politicians need to stand down in trying to assess the way the war is going and stand down in running counter to President Bush's foreign policy. They can serve the American people and our troops best by listening to the advice of our military on the ground, like General Petraeus and cooperating with the President to make sure that the war we are fighting is successful.
As a country, during past wars, there was no question as to what needed to be done. We stood by the troops thick and thin. We demonstrated it. We were focused with the troops and determined to see a conflict through. But many Americans are soaking in the constant negativity from the media, the images and news from Iraq, and are listening to the negativity on the war from those in Congress and are becoming pessimistic about the situation. Regardless of what is being said, shouldn't we have enough faith in God and in our troops that they are making life better for those in every country where US troops are present? Will you stand strong and feel proud at the work they are doing?
Make every effort to support our troops when you can. They are supporting you whether you know it or not. They fight to keep us safe, whether abroad, or stateside.
I know that has been said over and over, but it's time that it sinks in with all of us. It's time that we pause every now and then during our lives and say a prayer for and think about our troops who are bravely fighting for us.
Be thankful and grateful you live in a free society. Because it didn't come without sacrifice from our troops past and present.It is by the grace of God that and the American soldier that I am able to do what I do, and for that I am grateful.Related Reading:Zawahiri mocks US Congress Iraq bill: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070505/wl_afp/iraquspolitics_070505211802
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) calls the situation in Iraq "chaotic"(interview):http://www.npr.org/about/press/2007/013107.pelosi.html
Bush critic Pelosi visits Baghdad:http://www.boston.com/news/world/middleeast/articles/2007/01/26/bomb_kills_15_in_new_attack_on_baghdad_pet_fair/Please Support our Troops:www.AnySoldier.com
Hear from the troops why they serve! Go to: www.mnf-iraq.com. Select From the Troops, then Click Why I Serve.
Felicia (Fee) Benamon is a political columnist who writes for various conservative sites including RenewAmerica.us, Michnews.com, Daley-Times Post, Renaissance Women ( http://www.rwnetwork.net/ ), Capitolhillcoffeehouse.com, TheConservativeVoice.com, Mensnewsdaily.com, ConservativeCrusader.com, and other news sites like AmericanChronicle.com. She is a columnist and a reporter for the Mid-South Patriot ( www.freewebs.com/midsouth-patriot ) in Memphis, TN. Felicia hails from a military background, and has been politically active since the 2000 elections. She has been a guest speaker on KYAL2K, conservative talk radio (www.k-talk.com), Salt Lake City, UT, America Talks, conservative internet talk radio, with David Zublick (www.americatalks.com), and KFNX News talk radio in Arizona with Clancy Jayne ( www.insidepoliticswithclancyjayne.com ).
1 comment:
Great article and right on target. I am not sure where our society is headed until we realize and acknowledge that we have a real enemy who is planning it's next attack on us. Thanks for voicing the truth. Bob
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